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September 20, 2005


Our power is flickering. Good luck to you folks down in the Keys.

Update: I don't like the looks of the latest satellite image.


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Keep us posted on the condition of the whale penis Dave. I need to know if I should look out for such flying objects--I don't have that kind of coverage with our insurance.

Good Luck, Dave

Keep hunkering with your fam', Dave and judi.

As long as your generator's "whutting" I think you'll be okay. Unless Mrs. Blog forgot to get the bleach yesterday.

It'll do that when you try to cool the house by leaving the fridge open, Dave.

Did Mrs. Blog get back from the store yet?

Good luck Dave and Judi, and remember that Flying Walrus Penis would make an interesting insurance claim, as well as AGNFARB.


Rita sure is an ugl ... um ... she's not really ... very ... attractive, is she ... ??? But, I hear she's got a great personality ...

oh ... um ... my bad ... I thot this was a blind date site ... wrong thread ...

Stay warm and dry, Dave & gang ... we'll be thinking of you ...

(and how you could be visiting Up North, where the 7-gallon High Flo toilets live ...)

The "worlds worst dad" poll shows my numbers are falling dismally. I send my only daughter off to Miami for a college education and she's already been in three, count em, THREE, hurricane preparedness meetings. She's there to become a physicians assistant, I'm thinking at this point she should change her major to meteorology. Hell, she's half-way there credit-wise AND she could become part of a perky news team shot!

We're thinking about you guys...good luck! Mew

MeThinks we need a Oosik Web Cam, OWC, linked to this site just to check on it's progress.

hang in there dave & co...

I know the temptation must be mighty, but do not seek solace in the arms of Mothra.

They're not even proper arms.

I wish your family, and Walter, much luck.

Some rain god must have had a very bad expirence last Mardi Gras because according to twc.com, Rita is now expected to miss every other possible land mass in order to make a direct hit on Houston.

I laughed for, like, an hour at the satellite image.


Do you ever think about living in a more stable climate, like Michigan? These hurricanes sure do seem to come up faster and more ferocious time and again
Take Care,
I will be thinking of all of you.

The satellite image couldn't get it up for me :(

Should I be taking this personally???

Will there be a mighty wind?
Will anyone read this and know what I'm talking about?
Will Eleanor kiss and make up with the satillite image?
So many questions....

Hang in there, Dave. And meanwhile, here is an example of what seems like a lovely hobby to pick up while you're stuck in the house cowering in a corner waiting for Rita to wreak havoc.

Dang it. Haven't done this for a while. Let's try it again.

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