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September 19, 2005


Mrs. Blog went to the supermarket to get some bread and other stuff. She called a while later to report that there was a guard at the door, and a long line of people being admitted one at a time. So she left to find another store, and now reports that the situation is the same at all the food and hardware stores. No sign of FEMA yet.

STORM TRACK UPDATE: This is disturbing. And we definitely do not like the looks of this.

URGENT UPDATE: There's nothing to worry about! Herman the FEMA Spokescrab is here! (Thanks to Claire Martin)


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What, they're out of plywood already?

Oh no! If FEMA shows up, get away quick! They are sure to try to comandeer your shopping cart to get supplies. The safest thing to do is head for the roof. They'll never find you there.

And she didn't storm the entrance holding her sword in her teeth and yelling "aarrrghhh" and then make the security man walk the plank?

Mrs. Blog doesn't have the same hobbies does she?

This problem is easily solved by keeping an ever-lasting and constantly replenished supply of food large enough to feed all of Venezuela in a collection of 5 fridges and freezers in your basement. If you use anything out those fridges/freezers, immediately replace it. Then, when a hurricane comes, you can rest assured in the knowledge that all that food will immediately be rendered useless by the flood waters in your basement.

Arrr Dave, as previously mentioned, FEMA is in your living room waiting on the margaritas.

and the joy of living in south florida is what again????

Re: Second pic of your update. You really need to watch where you put your crapcam, Dave.

I think FEMA is busy out in the Pacific organizing the hurricanes out there. They're all lined up like the defensive line of the Dolphins. Check the tracks out there.

Davey mate, ye and yer kinfolk are welcome to ride out the storm here in Iowa. Ye can batten down yer hatches then sail north for a bit, and by the time yer electricity be restored ye'll be runnin' to Florida to escape the blizzards. AAARRRRR!!!

...then there's Tropical Depression Cecilia

If you look at the images of Rita, you can almost make out something strange in the clouds.

boil that spokescrab!

interesting ... they pick an animal that when it gets too big for its old home, finds an abandoned home and sets up shop in it. But if I do that, it's illegal!

Anyone noticed that Herman has a snail shell?

Hey, Dave, I got in and out of Publix in 10 minutes! Just the necessities....cat food, wine, and um...well, nevermind. Of course, that was at 11:45. The gas stations, now, well that's where people are really going crazy. Glad I have 3/4 full tank.

Time to batten down the hatches! Arrrrrgh!

I don't think that Galaxy is much of a threat... YET.

"Did you warn people to evacuate?"

"Well, no. I did tell them to burrow into their shells, however."

A purely hypothetical question: Should I see a doctor if I have spokescrabs?

Is Disaster Action kid and this kid related and if so what does that mean for the rest of us?


Sure, remove the spam and leave me looking like I'm talking about a very old storm!

"Did you warn people to evacuate?"

Evacuate: To excrete waste matter from the body.

They're preaching to the choir here.

No-Pants Crack Smoka

Not to alarm anyone, but "...projections indicate that the Andromeda Galaxy is on a collision course with the Milky Way, approaching at a speed of about 140 kilometres per second"

arrgh. get outta town and take the spokescrab, i mean the walrusjohnson, and then get outta town.
ducttaped walrus johnson wbagnfarb

Even more disturbing in the hurricane cartoons they have. Poor form.

I don't think people in South Florida have basements, since the mean elevation above sea level is about 2 feet.

I love the FEMA kids site. For example, kids can click on a map of the United States and find out all the various disasters that can occur in their state. What better way to increase the anxiety and paranoia of America's youth! Hooray FEMA!

I love the FEMA kids site. For example, kids can click on a map of the United States and find out all the various disasters that can occur in their state. What better way to increase the anxiety and paranoia of America's youth! Hooray FEMA!

Do y'all like the mascot? Jimmy DeWitt came up with that when he was directing FEMA for me, only months after Al Gore invented the Internet. He came in to tell me about it and I asked him why he chose a crab. He said that they manage to survive the most tultuous of storms just fine. And I reminded him that if a Category 5 hits the gulf coast, the only crabs that will survive are in my Jockey Shorts.

Get ready FEMA because this could happen.
But even more scary is this and this

Yes, fellow bilge rats, there is an upside to living in South Florida. Besides the oppressive temperature index and weekly hurricanes, you can become closely associated with spokescraps, er crabs!

Dave, we know from your blog that Mrs. Blog has substantial Miami roots. Also I know that the Miami Bombshells (whom I like lots) live there. But I'd be pleased if you moved to Chicago - for the weather.

Not to belabor the obvious or anything, but if Dave wanted to take a trip to Nodak, he could check on his sewer lift station, and then I'd let him bunk in my house with the 7-Gallon High Flow toilet ...

Just say the word, Dave, and I'll being making the ARRRRRRRangements ...

I was sure a geezer would catch the Herman's Hermits reference by now. And the shells had some weird designs.

The government must have a hippie think tank on board to relate tough ideas in new, "creative" (a.k.a. drug-induced) ways to the public.

Addicted...it's too bad the Armageddon website shows a picture of a regular volcano rather than a supervolcano. Supervolcanoes aren't mountains, they are calderas. (Man, I've watched that "supervolcanoes" documentary toooo many times!!)

Hurricane blows by.
Dave standing with the Bombshells.
Where is his blue shirt?

leo en el pais:
Más de un millón de personas abarrotan las autopistas de salida de las ciudades de Houston y Galveston (Texas) en respuesta a las evacuaciones, obligatorias y voluntarias, decretadas por las autoridades ante el avance de Rita hacia la costa tejana.
Y claro me pregunto hasta donde puede llegar la falta de previsión del gobierno Bush.

Bush tomará el cuidado de Tejas y es gente. ¿Él era gobernador recuerda? Katrina ha enseñado a gente a evacuar cuanto antes y ese las ayudas.

Bush will take care of Texas and it's people. He was governor remember? Katrina has taught people to evacuate as soon as possible and that helps.

Spanish translation didn't work well....

Who gave the names as Rita or Katrina what will be the next ANGELINA ? I Guess

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