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September 16, 2005


Because the lions and tigers are busy.

(Thanks to Brad Hutchings)


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Where's Toto!?!

"But will you respect me in the morning?"

"Um...Sure! Of course! Hold still."

Miss lion doesn't look too thrilled..

She actually looks a bit bored.

Also, Napoleon Dynamite would have a fit.

Cats and dogs--living together...MASS HYSTERIA!

This is almost as disturbing as the gay penguin controversy.

Tigons and ligers bare all - Oh My!

Dave, are you suggesting a bear is going to try to mate with Dorothy in a safari park?

That is worrisome.

I think you need to get the "Special Edition" DVD of "The Lion King" to see that scene.

Animal porn!

I think she has a headache.

It's not unusual for tigers and lions to breed in safari parks - but it is seldom caught on film.

However, the photography pervert's persistence paid off. "Lucky for me I had my CHARMING-2005-F03 portable bidet with digital camera handy."

If only the Cowardly Lion could have gotten his courage up, so to speak...

One of the girl lions in the back is a watcher. *giggle*

The lioness in the foreground may look less than thrilled, but did you see the look on the face of the lioness in the background?

Interpretation #1: They're doing what in front of a camera?!?

Interpretation #2: That two-timing S.O.B.! I'm gonna kill him!

Interpretation #3: Did you see that? I didn't think she was hetero!

Hey dont blame the tiger he was distracted.

Hey dont blame the tiger he was distracted.

I would say she looks TOTALLY pissed. Is it Exxon that uses a tiger mascot? So in their new campaign, the lion represents electricity here.
This is taking the hybrid trend a little too far.

why do we need two seperate names for the offspring of lion/tiger sex? they don't do that with wolf hybrids. and was this a set up? did they hide all the male lions and female tigers so that they would HAVE to resort to this, cameras be damned?

Didn't this post need a warning?
just askin'.....

tigers are just so randy. and that is one bored lioness.
randy tigers wbagnfarb

This is a little scary. That's the same face my wife makes!

"Put a tiger in your..."

"Once you've gone tiger baby, you'll never go back."

Also, this is an inherent danger of rear mount permiscuity. That lioness wouldn't know if that was a drunken circus midget back there.

Q: did you just make that comment so you could type "rear mount permiscuity"?

A: yes. I think it wbagnfarb.

Crossgirl - we sometimes have different names for the cross-bred offspring. A mule is the offspring of a stallion and a female ass. If it's a jack ass and a mare, the offspring is a "hinny".

tnx, Pogo, for clearing that up ... I'd fergot ...

... however ... what's the connection of Lines and Taggers with Dorothy ???

... or did I sleep thru that part ???

(I've got a great memory ... it just doesn't last very long ...)

In the cinemocragphic version of this event, her cell phone rings.

rufus: it's not just "animal porn" ...


also, it's not bears Dorothy needs to worry about - it's those freakin' scary FLYING MONKEYS

who's your tiger?! WHO'S YOUR TIGER?!
Maybe being "a tiger in the sack" isn't all it's cracked up to be.
heh heh, cracked.

*just realized all those You f&*@ like a tiger! comments weren't compliments*

*fails to care*

"The Liger - Bred for it's mystical powers" - Napolean Dynamite

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