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September 19, 2005


Here's the eBay site that was set up by the guys at Big 105.9 after I was on Paul and Ron's show this morning. Thanks again to them for having me on, and to the folks at Gibson for donating the guitar. And thanks in advance to anybody who can bid, and maybe help the Katrina victims.


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If I wasnt broke I would bid $5000 myself for it. Thanks for your hard work Dave.

I like the photo on eBay of the guitar and the walrus penis bone. Wait ...

AAAAHHHHHH! It's the blue shirt of doom, me hearties!

Can we have the blue shirt with it if we get the guitar? Would you just go out and buy another blue shirt, or would you branch out a little. Maybe something in the teal department? Or even aquamarine?



ok now life can go on

doubloon swallowin' Hestor, even a different shade of blue would be a big change. Don't push Dave too far away from his blue shirt, he might lose it.

Is that the best Rock N' Roll pose you could do, Dave? Makes me think a Rock Bottom Remainders concert would be like watching Kenny G perform while on valium. Just sayin'.

Dave: I've got an idea! What if we get Gibson to donate an electric guitar for hurricane relief!
Ridley: A guitar? Let's see...there are over a million displaced victims. That means they'd each get to hold it for, like, thirty seconds a year. That's brilliant!
Dave: Well, I was thinking we'd autograph it and auction it off and then donate the proceeds.
Ridley: Oh. Well, that would work too, I guess.

Carl Hiaasen has joined the RBRs? Cool! What does he play?

Targetgirl - they've convinced him the oosik is a didgeridoo.

It's mean, really. Hilarious, but mean.

Sigh. Makes me wish I weren't poor.

Well, a lot of things make me wish that.

So, since Dave is in the picture, does that mean he comes with the guitar?

And can you put up an auction for the RBR to play at my birthday party? Or any random kegger I might throw?

If they're auctioning off Dave I'm in, he would make a wonderful lawn decoration.

Dave, why aren't you holding the guitar in a more R&R way; i.e., Hendrix????

Look lively, matie!!!

Arrr, Dave! Throwin' a Gibson that was part of your booty is mighty kind of you, matey. (Notice that I didna say anything about that Walrus bone being part of your booty. That would be sure to hurt too much, methinks....ArrrrEIIIIEEEEOW!)

On to a different topic: Me has to ask.... I been thinkin' o' this for many a night....

What exactly do Japanese Pirates say? ELLLLL?

Avast, me hearties,If we look really closely at the guitar can we see a reflection of bilge rat Matt Groening - naked?

I have recently discovered the wonders of ebay, and am compelled to click the Bid button. However, since I do not have that much cash on hand, (the pickins have been a bit slim on the Spanish main)I must resist its siren song.

Hmmmm. A new Gibson SG normally sells for 1100 to 1400 depending on "trim". Signatures of a bunch of famous "arthurs" should at least double that value.

*checks bank balance, decides to go "weasel"*

Can we get McGuinn to sign it too?

Eric Clapton stopped playing the SG when He left Cream. Then He wnt on to do a solo act screwing George Harrison's wife.

Yes, Mind bender, and wound up marrying her. I've never thought of him the same way again.

VictoriaE77 (Sweatin' Jezebel Straw) ...

AAAARRRRRR! We must be kinfolk, with the same last name and all ...

What a fortuitous development ...

Yarrrr! We be racking up the bids, mateys!

Does that guitar have a G-string on it?

Just wonderin' ...


Go, Johnny Urinalcakes, Go Go GO.


Why didn't you run this photo?

Keep racking up the bids, bloglits!

now, if Ted Habte-Gabr promises to take a sharpie to this thing, i might have to get back into the bidding.


Better watch out for those zero-feedback bidders on Ebay, though.

Now here dumb me didn't even know that Greg Iles was affiliated with the RBR, much less even an author until I just finished one of his books that I happened to pick up after hours of scanning cool covers at the library.

Guess its more than coincidence that he happens to be a great writer as well...

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