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September 19, 2005


Ahoy and avast, there ain't no frogs in yer beer, mateys. But shiver me timbers, the truth is not farrrrrrrr from it.

(Thanks to Cap'n Chris Miller


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expert in tribology? Threadin' the sword in the scabbard is yer expertise, matey?

Arrrrr...... who peed in the grog!

'tis a fine brew, drink enough of it, and yer corpse will keep 'til ye reach port again!

*deftly slips a frog into mudstuffin's sake*

YARR! I'll be stickin' with me 20 ounce Dr. Pepper in the Plastic Bottle.

"Friction, Wear and Lubrication" wbagnfarb ARRRRRR!

and so might " The Culinary Blunders"

Put a frog in my beer and you'll be kissin' the gunner's daughter, me bucko.

-Castaway Aetheflaed the Fierce Eye

"an expert in tribology — the study of friction, wear and the lubrication,"... and the hoiven - glaven, I assume.

wench is soon to go
to davy jones' locker, put
a frog in me wine

Aye, mateys, and did ye know that there's farrrrr less Nutrasweet in the fountain diet drinks? Saccharin doesn't degrade as quickly, so they change the recipe for fountain syrup. Tastes better IMHO, and it doesn't kill as many brain cells. Just so ya know.

I says to the brig with any wretch who taints the mead. A tot of frog in a chalice of grog is unacceptable.

We all know, I'm sure, that frogs are best kept in peaches...

arrgghh... more reasons to drink rum... or rhum...

ahoy maties- no need to get the jonsies aboot nothing more an a little frog in the grog - if it be yer brain cells yer looking to save, grog ain't the drink fer ya nohow - n after the first two er three draghts, it all tastes the same

Whay did they have to pick on Spaghetti O's???
That's all.
Carry on.
I'll get over it.

Seems as if I recall learning that there was more than just a hint of formaldehyde in the beer in South Viet Nam pubs ...

Just sayin' ...

ARRRRRRRR, I'm not sorry I missed that taste sensation ...

why is a pirate celled a pirate? because they arrrrrrrrrrr.

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