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August 26, 2005


Reason Number 9

(Thanks to nicole the wonder nerd)


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So that's why my search for "wet p*ssy" came back all weird...

Can't believe I just wrote that...

Higgy! naughty!!!!

All I could keep doing was "ooh...how cute, how sweet!!!!!!"

I know there will be lots of "iffy" comments, but, seeing tons of cute kitties just made my day!!!



I really wish I could have just reached over and flipped the water on. Especialy on those sleeping ones. Wonder if they could have actually hit the ceiling trying to leap up and out?

Yes, I know. I'm going to h*ll.

I agree with you, Melissa. I even bookmarked that site so I can show it to my daughters when they get home from school. Then they'll spend the next hour going "Oh, cute kitties!"

P.S. The orange tiger cat with white spots looks like P.C., my kitty who is now in kitty heaven.


i wondered why the sink wouldn't drain.

Hey, I know they breed fast, and I'm not a huge cat fan, but even I won't just shove 'em down the disposal.

I never took a picture of Joe in the sink, but a couple of those looked like him.

Guy, look away. This post is for the ladies, only.

Ladies, I have quite a collection of photos of my cats in the sink. They love it. And they're so adorable!

(that was supposed to be "guys")

meeee-owww. i love it.

Behold the information super highway .

My honest reaction was also, "Awwww. How cute!" but when I read wolfie's comment, I laughed out loud, so I don't know where I stand here.

my parents had a cat that would get in the shower, sit over the drain, and 'use' it , a la George Costanza (though he was presumably standing), don't know how the cat learned that trick, although now I'm wondering about Mom...


Our cats have their *own* sink. We couldn't get the older one to stop sleeping in the bathroom sink so we bought him his own and set it in a simple 2x4 frame on the floor of the sun room. We later got another cat who also likes the sink, so nowdays there's a cat in *both* sinks most of the time.

The older cat also likes to bang on the shower stall door while I'm taking a shower. If you open it to look at him he just looks back at you like you're crazy, then moves over and starts banging again.

My Kitty (bucky) likes to play in the sink while I get ready for work. She doesn't like it when I turn the water on, but she doesn't mind it if I pour water on her from the glass. She is kinda a wierd cat, but she's great!

LOL Steve

That first grey tabby kitten looked sooo like one of my "babies" (yes.. I have no children... I had cats.) that I'm all choked up now. Unfortunately, I didn't know until after I bought my house that it hates cats, and I no longer have any cats. I missssss them!!

*sob, sniffle*

oh... and "aaaaawwww, cute!!"

*hisses at wolfie, shows claws*

Bumble - aren't you in Illinois or Indiana? That's where you stand. Remember, wherever you go, there you are.

Frankly Bumble, I'm a little disappointed in wolfie and her comment!!

wolfie, wolfie, wolfie, tsk, tsk, tsk...

They're all ADORABLE!!!

But the bad Eleanor says, "wolfie, ROFL!!!!

ROFL Wolfie!

I hear a follow-up site is planned: Cats in Toilets

Aunt Nancy~ Indiana. bad Eleanor~ Welcome. Come as you are.

I give my little kitty "Furberger" a bath in the sink! She just LOVES to be cleaned.

It doesn't bother anyone in the house because the sink has no plumbing, so nobody is waiting to use it.

It's GREAT, except for the hair on my tongue.

Is it just me or do 90% of those kitties have that "I'm not saying I did it, and I'm not saying I didn't do it. But, theoretically, if I did do it, what can you do to me?" look on their faces?


Enough said.

What a great day on da blog! I got to use the words "kitties" and "pussy" (see the Man/Woman/Intelligence thread) without losing my blogging license.

They're (not their or there) all danged cute - but this one is my favorite.


I guess the second thing that struck me (first being the overwhelming cuteness) was that there are a lot of clean sinks out there in the world!

OK, they're cute. But I bet none of those kittens would save you from a crazed grizzly bear.

Chianca, I once had a chihuahua that killed a black bear. He got stuck in his throat.

Just a couple of observations:

One of the Ads by Goooooooooooogle offers new and used Siamese kittens for sale....

And while all the cats are quite cute, I'm reasonably certain that the 9th picture down on the left side is not a cat. I have no idea what it is. But it's not a cat, and it's not of this world.

That is all.

heee, wolfie - my first thot was "cuuuute!"
second thot - gee, i wish there were remote controls for sinks;D

oh hush now! my "Augi" was with me for 17 years and i wish it had been forever. *get's misty*

*zips in*

*reads cyn's post and gets misty too*

Same here with "Denver" who lived a good, long (but not long enough) life and was named after the man who sang one of my most favorite songs: Almost Heaven, West Vagina -

*zips out to turn on aforesaid CD*

Eleanor, monumental snork!

Quite a few of these pics (especially the 19th one down on the right side) look like stuff that goes down at the Playboy Mansion.

They're (not their or there) all danged cute - but this one is my favorite cute cat websites.


wow!! thats great
playboymansion tickets

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