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August 29, 2005


So I finally get back to Miami, and I'm standing outside the airport in a loooooonnnng taxi line, and the temperature is of course 17,000 degrees, with the usual 3,467 percent humidity, and we're waiting and sweltering and no taxis are coming. So finally somebody asks the dispatcher what the deal is, and she says, "One of the taxis is on fire."

Anyway, eventually I got back to my house, which still has no electricity. I am blogging this by generator power, the same way Abraham Lincoln used to do his blog.

But I'm really, really glad to be home. To those in New Orleans and elsewhere in Katrina's path: Down here in Florida we are thinking about you. Take care.


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at least yer home. they'll get the power on soon. whew.

To everyone in New Orleans you are in our Hearts and Prayers.

Hang in there Dave. My cousin, who works for Pike Electric in Tennessee, has been down there in Miami working 18 hours a day to get you guys back up and running. You can differentiate him from the locals by the large chaw of tobacco in his cheek and omnipresent AC/DC (the rock band, not the electrical current of choice) t-shirts from his vast collection. Also, he may be the one attempting to locate cheese grits with his Grand Slam breakfast.

Speaking as a survivor of several years' worth of devastating wildfires out here in Arizona (Motto: It's Hotter than Hades, But at Least It's Dry Enough to Go Up In Flames All At Once!), there's nothing like coming home after a natural disaster. Finding out whose houses are still standing, who lost pets or livestock, who has to spend the next fifteen years dealing with their insurance company and FEMA...our prayers and good wishes are with you all!

Special thoughts and prayers to the brave reporters from the major news networks who descended upon the city and stood out in the wind and rain in an effort to bring this disaster into our living rooms without making too much of a mess. Your relentless courage in the face of extreme, unavoidable danger never goes unnoticed!

Well, if there's no air conditioning, there's no reason to be inside anyway. So head on out front and get cracking, and maybe you too can have a yard like this.

I have relatives in Metarie (New Orleans suburb). One cousin bought a house last week (not making this up) and didn't have flood insurance. What in hell was he thinking?? It's below sea level on the coast! Duh!

I don't envy the mess that it will be. Last I heard Katrina was down to Cat. 1 and no reported casualties. Praying it stays that way.

Am I the only one who's amazed at all the blogging that's going on WITHOUT POWER?

Truly, you can't stop the internet.

I know, I'm going to hell for not including tender thoughts for the people in Katrina's path. But I'm having them. Does that count?

I first started reading your work when I was, cough, younger in SoCal. I found your blog and was inspired to begin blogging after I had moved to Arid-zona.

Now, I live in South Florida and I find myself laughing with much more appreciation over your comments about the Oh So Lovely Weather, here, and all the cultural references in your book, Big Trouble.

But...! It is NOT 17,000 degrees. That's only on the thermometer. You know darn good and well that with the heat index, it's 20,000.

Helpful Gardener: You're having people in Katrina's path?!?

A heartwarming quote from CNN's coverage:
The water also has dislodged thousands of snakes -- including poisonous water moccasins -- from their homes, as well as fire ants.

Oh, joy.

dave: aren't ya glad you bought that generator?

you'd a made a good boy scout. except they don't wear blue.

Dave, it's time for you and Mrs. Blog to move back north. What with all the money you save on hurricane insurance, you might even be able to buy enough fuel oil for the month of December.

sj~ When we lived out west, my sisters were Campfire Girls. One level of that organization was the Bluebirds. Dave could join that one.

Glad you're home Dave, and am sure all are safe and sound. Hurricanes have a way of bringing us closer together while tearing everything else apart.

the comment about news reporters leads me to think they ought to update the Saffir-Simpson scale...

Category 1: Katie Couric can't stand upright.

Category 2: Geraldo Rivera loses mustache.

Category 3: Newsvans damaged by flying debris (for example,Katie Couric).

Category 4: Dan Rather reduced to coherence.

Category 5: Pre-op Al Roker driven through a palm tree.

Glad you're home Dave and safe Dave! Thoughts go out to all in Katrina's path.

But the important question remains... Did your luggage arrive with you?

Bumble...I thought I was the only ex-Bluebird left in the whole wide world! Everyone always thinks I'm making it up. Cool.

I'm in Southwest/Central Florida where we have now officially dodged 912 direct hurricane hits in the past two years. For those not so fortunate, we're thinking about you over here as we cross our fingers and try to think up ways to mess with that whole law of averages thing.

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