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July 26, 2005


For family fun you cannot beat driving along the north shore of Lake Superior (or, as the Indians called it, "Lake Erie") looking at the scenery and slowly but steadily consuming an RV-sized box of Cheez-Its from Costco. The scenery is highly scenic, and there is plenty of excellent shopping:


This particular store sold both frozen smelt and leeches:



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It's so hard to find frozen leeches these days...

Let it never be said that I missed the opportunity to point out that Frozen Smelt wgagnfarb from Finland.

And that it wbagnfarb if I didn't have fumble fingers today.

there is a fish joke here. I smelt it.


Cold filtered and never heat pasteurized, frozen smelt is favored 2 to 1 by those who even know what the hell smelt is.

Dave, will you be taking a canoe on the boundary waters while you're up there, or just hanging around the Beaver House?

Any guess on the first few letters of the word ending in --cks proudly emblazoned on the 'beaver house' but partially, enticingly obscured by the pickup truck? No really, I'm curious.

Minnesota, eh?
leeches, donuts and Cheez-its...
my life is complete

(btw... first...)

Any guess on the first few letters of the word ending in --cks proudly emblazoned on the 'beaver house' but partially, enticingly obscured by the pickup truck? No really, I'm curious.

"Live from the Beaver House, please put your hands together for MC DB and the Frozen Leeches"

'course, I just like saying "Beaver House"

"Beaver House"

"Beaver House"

Really sorry for the double post. I waited and waited and thought the program had crashed and then waited some more before clicking the little 'post' button thingy again. Really, I really did. Please believe me!

Frozen smelt AND leeches? Save some room for dessert, Dave. There has to be a "Glazed Rat on a Stick" stand somewhere.


If you can hack roughing it, go rent a canoe and spend a few days at the Boundry Waters Canoe Area. It's gorgeous. No motorized water crafts, land vehicles, or crapcams allowed.

Other questions to ponder concerning the store front:

Shouldn't that be a beaver leaping through the building instead of a fish?

Is that a blue shirt Dave's wearing? (Never mind...that's a silly question that could have been answered "yes" without even seeing the picture).

Didja ever notice that "maps" spelled backward is "spam"?

Is Dave ever going to upgrade to CrapCam v2.0?

TJ -- Taking into consideration this is not a high end store (or maybe in this here part of Minnesota it is), my guess is either SIX PACKS or BEEF STICKS.

have you bought yourselves some cheese-head hats yet?

snif - way to burst my bubble. the name 'beaver house' with the suggestively penetrating pike (or is it a muskie) got me all Freudian for a minute there. i'm better now.

Why are the smelt frozen? Do fish like TV dinners?

(I'm assuming they're used as bait. And I do realize they have to be chilled. Nobody likes the smell of melting smelt.)

It says LIVE Leeches! NOT frozen. These can still suck the blood right out of ya'. Be careful Dave.

zaphod, ummm yes on the spam. isn't spam made from leeches and smelt?

queensbee, you're thinking of Wisconsin

Seeing Dave in his blue shirt again I feel all warm, fuzzy and safe again...

Road to Hong Kong

"I no shmelled shmelt. You shmell shmelt? Of all the shmelt I ever shmelled, that's the worst shmelt I shmelled."

So I'm sitting here, reading the blog, and my seven year old comes in and says, "Whatcha doin'?" and I say, "I'm reading a story about leeches and smelt" and she says "First who smelt it dealt it!!"

Ahhhh, the innocence of youth....

Road to Hong Kong

"I no shmelled shmelt. You shmell shmelt? Of all the shmelt I ever shmelled, that's the worst shmelt I shmelled."

Aunt Nancy - sounds like you have a Baby Blogger in the making! *snif* You must be so proud!

Dave standing next to the biggest one in town.

Yes, Punkin, I am. She's a chip off the ol' blog.

*Beep Beep*

Show us your pike!

Dave - do us a favor and tell Ron to lay off the Cheez-Its and get back to work, the phone calls are rolling in.

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