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July 26, 2005


All things considered, is The Blog a victim of poor vacation planning or what?

(Thanks to queensbee)

UPDATE: Mollenkamp sent in this photo of the event, just to rub it in. Good work, Mollenkamp!


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i dont think that guy in the picture is santa. he's really one of the missing gnomes.

That kind of thing seems more well suited to Santa Claus, California.

Congrats, queensbee, on bringing this important info to our attention, but wasn't it rather unkind of you to rub the blog's nose in his missed opportunity? At least, don't tell the blogspring.

"A chimney-climbing competition was set for later Monday."

"Ok, on the count of 3.1415926, you go up. I'll be right behind you."

"Last time, I got stuck and you just left me there!"

"I went to get a snack. Santa Clausing's hard work."

"For 6 hours?"

"Quit complaining. The medics got you out."

"You didn't have to bring that crowd along though."

"They were just wandering by."

"You were charging admission!"

"Fine, this time I'll split the proceeds with you."

We should introduce Santa to Lottie, then they could "ho ho ho".


Sorry. Not enough caffiene today.

Hmmmm...let's see...it's summer in Copenhagen...the snow they trucked in is melting rapidly...the town is fully of large men in heavy, long sleeved suits and fake beards...these costumed fellows are exerting themselves by climbing down chimneys and running up hills...I'm imagining the sweat and the smell...

I'd rather be in Minnesota.

Amen, Aunt Nancy.

and half of minne-sota is from denmark anyhow. ya sure. t'wasnt me who intimated that this blog could have gone to denmark. mayhap the blog did not have the proper attire. after all, santa doesnt dress in blue.

Bummer. Missed it by one dag-darn-diddley-dong day.
Though, I was in town for the visit of our illustrious president. Not quite the same though.

ahh. santa and the sant-ettes. i see what drew them to denmark.

This brings to mind the episode of "King of the Hill", where Bill decided to be Santa Claus year round.

Looking at those Santettes I have decided to hang sheer backseam stockings over my fireplace this year.

Such a lucky Swedish Santa! ))

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