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July 22, 2005


Let a man come in

And do the popcorn

-- Mr. James Brown


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Oh, sure, he'll do the popcorn, and maybe occasionally some grilling, but try to get him to plan and cook those weeknight dinners.

Let a man come in and do the popcorn. How true that is.

Do the POPCORN ... in the HOT TUB ... HEH!

"I'm James Brown, B*%ch!"

chappelle references are a stretch, but it's too early to think.

And yes, Rick James would backhand me for changing the quote.


Mama come here quick

And bring me my lickin' stick


Um, GDogg - wasn't that last quote from John Wayne Bobbit?

I didn't know he was a musician, but I heard he'd gone into show bidness, and so much art is born of personal suffering...

I feel better than James Brown.


Maud - 2 Firsts on one day - wow!!! Next you'll be running your own blog - :)

Yes, Eleanor, it has given me a feeling of power, but I think I'll content myself with invading a small county (not a typo; I know my limits.) My own blog would be way too much pressure. I like being able to *zip in* (you should pardon the expression) then zip out, leaving the heavy lifting to the pros. I expect the Blog, the Bloggerette, and some of the Senior Commentors have been in training for years.

Yeah Baby: Papa's got a brand new bag.



If it's funky enough you might even get some mashed potatoes!

What happened to The Famous Flames?
I guess Poppa's Got a Brand New Bag (of Popcorn), and Poppa's Got a Brand New Band. Eeeyaaooww!



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