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July 27, 2005


We are going to be very careful not to say anything about this news item that could be misconstrued.

(Thanks to Peter Chianca)


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Key Quote: “I want to warn you that if you continue your illegal activity, then the necessary measures will be taken not just by me,”

I believe we have suspect zero.

The Nigerians finally tracked him down.


Key Quote: “I want to warn you that if you continue your illegal activity, then the necessary measures will be taken not just by me,”

I believe we have suspect zero.


If killing criminals is outlawed, then only criminals will kill criminals.

Spam spam spam spam...

Lovely spam! Wonderful spam!

Nyah, Nyah, powerhungry, you weren't "first" HAHA. Its like the racer who throws his arms in the air just before the finish line only to be passed. Hardee-Har loser.

And now for a non sequitur . . .

Like Jack Bauer and his heroin jones in season three, I am now a "24" addict.

I had never watched the show prior to reading the posts on this blog near the end of the fourth season. I watched once - and I was hooked.

Since that time, I have Netflix'ed the first three seasons and, not only watched all the episodes, but the extras as well. I went to see the movie "Happy Endings" last week. All of a sudden, I shouted out "Nina!" (Actress Sarah Clarke was on the screen. The rest of the theatre was not amused.)

When now watching an action film I keep calling out "Shoot him in the thigh!" at my TV screen. Like Jack, I keep saying "Trust me" and "You've got to trust me" . . . even when it doesn't make sense.

The good news is that the show has been re-upped for two more seasons. The bad news is that "day five" doesn't begin until January 2006.

Dave - and everyone - this is all your fault. (And I wouldn't change a thing!)

I also never watched 24 but kept up with it from Dave. Unfortunately, I only know the characters by their blog names, weepy romantic sub-plot, etc.
Makes it hard to discuss the show with anyone else.

And now for a non sequitur . . .

Like Jack Bauer and his heroin jones in season three, I am now a "24" addict.

I had never watched the show prior to reading the posts on this blog near the end of the fourth season. I watched once - and I was hooked.

Since that time, I have Netflix'ed the first three seasons and, not only watched all the episodes, but the extras as well. I went to see the movie "Happy Endings" last week. All of a sudden, I shouted out "Nina!" (Actress Sarah Clarke was on the screen. The rest of the theatre was not amused.)

When now watching an action film I keep calling out "Shoot him in the thigh!" at my TV screen. Like Jack, I keep saying "Trust me" and "You've got to trust me" . . . even when it doesn't make sense.

The good news is that the show has been re-upped for two more seasons. The bad news is that "day five" doesn't begin until January 2006.

Dave - and everyone - this is all your fault. (And I wouldn't change a thing!)

Marv . . . your taunt is so sophomoric and immature. Good Job!

BTW, you're just jealous b/c I got a sarcasmo sandwich. Mmmmm

My reply to the item at hand never posted.

My comment, as regards the battered spam man, is:

"And this is a BAD thing?!"

(PC be damned!)

I feel kinda bad now. I installed Apache's SpamAssassin product on my workstation just last week. I had no idea it worked this way...

Key Quote: “I want to warn you that if you continue your illegal activity, then the necessary measures will be taken not just by me,”

suspect zero? maybe - but you have to have a certain amount of respect for a bureaucrat creative enough to spam a spammer with automated phone calls

I will observe a moment of silence while a delete the 347 spam messages from my inbox

Who says we never hear any good news?

the russian mafia do NOT fool around. bye bye comrade.

Ding dong! The spammer's dead!
Which old Spammer?
The Russian Spammer.
Ding dong, the wicked spammer's dead!

Ding dong! The spammer's dead!
Which old Spammer?
The Russian Spammer.
Ding dong, the wicked spammer's dead!

Don't you just feel all warm and tingly at these heartwarming news items?

MOTW ~ You're in a very musical mood today, aren't you?

This is me expressing my thinly veiled jubilation.

It must be noted that King of Spam WBAGNFA-alt-country-B.

Let me also say that this would be an excellent thread for James, Wang, and Company to post on.

Oh, yes. Karma will get you.

So where's the North American equivalent? Or the telemarketing equivalent for that matter?

*senses a business plan coming on*

KOW, the American telemarketer equivalent is someone doing this in India.

I was not referring to the telemarketing itself per se. More the how to put an END to it. The article's solution has a certain permanence that shows how inadequate the do no call list truly is.

I am not here. But if i were, I would say,
Das Vidanya, IF I knew how to spell it, which I don't, and IF I knew what it meant, which I don't, but it's the only Russian I know. :(

you know what they say, Gary, be careful what you wish for.

Damn. Where am I going to get my viagra now? (Whoops, did I say that out loud?)

Trystan: congratulations on joining the club. Have you trolled the aisles at Home Depot looking for Marwan yet?

Powerhungry, happy to oblige, and, in your defense, when i went to post the comment (the first and ONLY time i hit the button) your comment was already there.

Must be the blog clock's fault


The story doesn't mention the message left behind.

"a WaRNinG to The rEsT of You SpamMeRs!"

Letters from cut out newspaper articles.

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