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June 23, 2005


Thanks to all who submitted them; there are a bunch of 'em up here (scroll all the way down and click on little Ted).


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And for those who missed my link before, here are all of my creations.

AWESOME, Tamara.

He should've won twice.

There's nothing more right in life than excessive cowbell being played by an overzealous mullet-sporting Sunday School teacher.

Don't fear the Gabr...

Love the Peter-Ted Habte-Gabr-Pan, Jessica A. And you, Marvin the P.A., are a very imaginative man. Sick, but imaginative.

We can all go back to getting full nights of sleep! YEA!

Excellent !!

Sigh... does that mean it's over? Mullet Time is over?

It's gonna be a long withdrawl. I'd find something to amuse myself but someone took all my toys...

Maybe, but I bet few people have given second thought to 24 since the mullet arose (hey, did anyone ever make a Jack Habte-Gabr pic?). We will soon be distracted by something shiny.

Hey! Look...

"click" on "little Ted"?

No thanks.

Mullets totally make me burp.

Tamara! That's hilarious! What software do you use?

Here we go...

Unsightly pustules,
excessive hair on my back
creates ass mullet

Thanks, Elle (Her Royal Highness of the Most High) & Burp!

Software: Adobe Photoshop, of course!

I definitely feel the withdrawals coming on. What will the blog come up with next? Surely Dave will have some pictures of him in his blue shirt from Disney World?

Really, Tamara? I did most of the work with Macromedia Fireworks, and touched up the photos with Adobe Photoshop 5.0 Limited Edition. And I didn't pay for either of them! (shhh...) I really want a newer Adobe version, though...Think I'll go find a way to get that for free, too...

My picture is the link!!! I got mentioned on Dave's website!!! I can now say that I've achieved everything in life that I set out to accomplish.

Dave, your above cry for help is broken, so I can't pretend to help on the right thread.

But, if you're stuck in the small world, perhaps you can enter the "Dave Barry Thought Balloon" contest.

Leetie did.

Nice Goals Matt.

*dialing 911*

Yes, Dave is trapped on the "Small World" ride at Pisney Porld. And apparently the CrapCam/Phone won't allow him to blog properly.


Yes, I'll hold...

~Can you hear the drums, Fernando...~

thanks for the earwig, djtonyb.

we're pullin' for ya, dave. hang in there!

still laughing. jesus mullet was great. we will all go to h-e-double hockeysticks. i like mona lisa mullet too.

Muahaha! Just like I predicted, I 'found' a way to get Photoshop for free. And it's Photoshop 7! Two whole versions in one fell swoop. Much public thanks to a certain incognito dude who can step into the limelight if they want to. I won't shine it in your eyes until you're ready for everyone else to ask for a copy ;)

Thanks, Maud, for your comment...isn't he c*u*t*e?

Thanks, reneviht! I tried to make it photoreal, but unfortunately I think it just ended up looking creepy. And you can't see the mullet. (You can't see Michael Jordan's mullet in the original picture, either.)

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