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June 29, 2005


(Thanks to Mollenkamp)


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Oh great, we just get over the whole "dead cat" thing, now we have to deal with the whole "dead bunny" thing.

I'll bet we really see some fur flying now...

I remember the time when the phrase "The rabbit died" was the worst thing a teenager EVER wanted to hear.

no need to be vewy, vewy quiet anymore

Positively Pythonesque! I keep picturing "The Exploding Blue Danube" skit...

According to that first picture, you should stand at LEAST 2 feet away from the explosion.
Wearing a larcosse mask is also advised.
And it appears that one side effect of using the device is that you may grow a tail.

Has anybody contacted PETA about this?

PETA, Schmeta. I WANT ONE!!!

These would make great Christmas gifts for all my farming relatives. And also all my guy relatives.

"Rabbit Season!"

"Duck Season!"

"Rabbit Season!"


Yep. rabbit season.

"It is probably the most humane way to kill an animal, causing a haemorrhage at the base of the spine and exploding the animal's lungs with the oxygen."

I think we should rid ourselves of the horrible methods of prisoner execution in this country and use the more humane method like this guy says.

New Zealanders are "lapping up" a product involving exploded rabbits? That brings up a mental image I could have happily gone without.

the ultimate in python-o-technics!! How NOT to be seen! ka-boom. S'cuse me, i've got to check on those rat tarts.

Aunt Nancy: ME TOO!

Kibby: Geezer Bus leaving in 10 minutes. I'll save you a seat.

Wait until this gets into the hands of the general population.

*sits back, waits for the lawsuits to start trickling in*

Slightly off topic, but I had to include a google "I'm feeling lucky" link with my dopey little Caddyshack joke because when i tried to post it with a direct link to the imdb page, it got rejected because imdb dot com was "questionable content". are you freeking kidding me? This whole blog is devoted to questionable content! What do you have against imdb?

Judi - I'm with Andy. Has there been a problem with IMDB? I've run into this before, too.

Andy & Brainy - that happens to me whenever I try an imdb link, so it's nothing new.

It has come out of the United States, where the underground gas exploder has been used to kill gophers, prairie dogs, squirrels, rats and even coyotes.

THAT explains why the yard looks like that in the morning.

It has come out of the United States, where the underground gas exploder has been used to kill gophers, prairie dogs, squirrels, rats and even coyotes.

THAT explains why the yard looks like that in the morning.

Jeff - Okay, so it's not new. But is it necessary? Can it be un-blocked?

i'll check with nava; sorry, i didn't know!

With most "questionable content", if you have the time, you can resubmit and resubmit until it slips through whatever filters there are. b b c dot co dot uk has the same problem some days.

BTW.. there's no hotlink in the article, but there is the Rodenator web addy. There are video clips.. no warning needed.. all the action happens underground. Like most other things rabbits do.

qetzal... New Zealanders are "lapping up" a product involving exploded rabbits? .. really it's mostly just the farmers. I only lap at mine on really special occasions. Or every other full moon.

Quick! Call Bill Murray! He could use one of these on "Caddyshack"!

Mike - Andy beat you to that one.

nava fixed the imdb thingie. all hail nava!

Cool! I soo want one. Maybe I can talk my hubby into buying one for me for our anniversary. It would be much cooler if the rabbit shot out of the hole. Oh well.

Did I read correctly that it has been used to kill coyotes? Was it a regular coyote, or did it blow up the operator while being used (unsuccessfully) to eradicate a roadrunner?

Also, there appears to be a fairly extensive collection of vaguely disturbing testimonials on the rodenator.com web site.

nava fixed the imdb thingie. all hail nava!


Dead rabbits are NOT funny!!!!!!

(but exploding rabbits are.)

Have to say, as the owner of 3 house rabbits, I found this article pretty offensive. And that's saying a lot, considering this blog!

Have to say, as the owner of 3 house rabbits, I found this article pretty offensive. And that's saying a lot, considering this blog!

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