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June 29, 2005


(Thanks to William Cook)


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That's messed up on so many levels.

Yes--I'll have a Diet Coke, no ice, public hair on the side.

Yes--I'll have a Diet Coke, no ice, public hair on the side.

wow. what a first. i guess the slaves werent black then. oh duh.

Mostly I'm curious why they're blatantly lying about the woman's age. Georgia was founded in 1733 and settled even before that... meaning she's got to be at least 232 years old.

Igloo is very confused.(Not a new condition)
This is a simple article about the first Black Female Chief Justice of the Georgia Supreme Court.
Please Help the Humour impaired. What am I missing.(Other than some teeth, large amounts of hair and the six-pack abs I once had.)
Thank-you in advance.

igloo- the headline makes it seem like there were no black women in Georgia before now.

ig - That she's the state's first black woman? Ever?

Three cheers for simulposting! Okay, no cheers. Never mind.

Igloo ~ Try having a few beers and reading it again.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I was afraid the blog had made a wrong turn, down a dark corridor of insensitivity.

Too much time spent on MySQL today. Need rest and relaxation.

Beer too slow. Heading for the Gray Goose stored in the freezer.

Oh, no this blog is never insensitive.Except when we make fun of the name of the reporter in the byline."Dick Pettys." Hee hee.

You said "dick". *gleeful chuckle*

If you like Grey Goose, you'll love Chopin/Belvedere. Give one or both a try. (Tip: Chopin is potato-based, Belvedere is rye-based.) Carry on,

I thought it was something about Ga Justice.
Is that different from straight justice?

And yes, MC, maybe she's just very old.

I've been sh*t faced before, but never to the extent Gary Moody went.

Buford T. Justice is a black woman?


* files this under "intimate justice"...aka enema justice *

* goes `long whistlin' dixie *

"Enema Justice" WBAGNFARB.

And they say racial progress has been slow in the South...

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