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June 27, 2005


...they know what a female needs.

(Thanks to Debi)


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That's one big over-the-shoulder boulder-holder!

That chick with the 9 inch miniskirt could probably use one of these bras.

Wait, didn't I see one of these advertised on eBay?

Finally! Also...

Baseball Scout: Doesn't that hurt them?

Dottie Hinson, milking cows: They don't seem to mind.

Baseball Scout: Well, it would bruise the hell outta me!

"Lukas was able to find models for the new lingerie in the Normandy region of France."

Probably on ebay.

Merci Google . . .

Oh great. You just know that cow lingere is going to be big business in the more "agriculturally attractive" areas of the world. NTTAWWT

"C'mere Dolly...."

"But officer, the cow was askin' fer it. Didja see how she was done up in that thar tight little bra?"

For the record: I did NOT click on the slideshow.

[I'm saving that for when I get home]

If you mix "Moo" and "Bra" would you have a "Broo"?

Yeah, he looks about what I would expect a Frenchman whose job it was to design cow lingerie to look like.

I don't have any opinion about cow bras , but I do have the opinion that zebras are the size Dolly Parton wears.

too late. things are already ugly.

Somewhere in New Zealand, a man has just slapped his forehead in amazement, and is hunkered down over a drawing board, feverishly desgning lacy underthings for sheep.

And what of the noose effect when the udder fills?

MrToad beat me to the punch! Was just thinking, can sheep lingerie be far behind? (My boyfriend is from New Zealand, so these questions haunt me...)

3 words: Not enough coverage.

(Or maybe I'm thinking of that eBay gal)

3 words: Not enough coverage.

(Or maybe I'm thinking of that eBay gal)

3 words: Not enough coverage.

(Or maybe I'm thinking of that eBay gal.)

3 words: Not enough coverage.

(Or maybe I'm thinking of that eBay gal.)

3 words: Not enough coverage.

(Or maybe I'm thinking of the eBay gal.)

Too many words.

Never trust the "website not responding" prompt and retry again and again. :-P

Too many words.

Never trust the "website not responding" prompt and retry again and again. :-P

That chick with the 9 inch miniskirt could probably use one of these bras.

Suzy Q: my thoughts exactly.

Cow Lingerie: GNFARB?

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