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April 25, 2005


(Thanks to Meghan Butler)


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Oh, No way!

I suspect it was named after the two most common items that housekeeping finds under the dirty sheets in a Bangkok resort.

Maybe that's what floated onto shore after the flood

Wow. There's a lot of wood at that place.

The "mentioned in newspaper" link has a comment that reads:

Praised by the Bangkok Post as the "Immaculate Conception"..

Haven't figured out the cabbage connection

hee hee - Lab Specimen said wood

You should definitely take advantage of Condoms when going to Bangkok.

cabbage is the restaurant part

condoms is the resort part

Re Sondra's post:

I'm quite disappointed there isn't a picture of a cabbage table as well.

(That'd be Sondra's first post... oops)



I've been there. In fact, I have a soup spoon from there. That place is awesome.

It's also rather, uh, disturbing.


From where I sit, it looks as if they've stolen Dave's crap-cam ...

Is anyone here familiar with H. Allen Smith's narrative as to how the Capital of Thailand got it's name? (I'll try to find it, but it's pretty old ... as are other areas of this blog ...)

Key quote:
"Money spent at our resort contributes to Thailand's rural development, education and scholarships, HIV/AIDS education and environmental protection"

Did ya hear the one about the tsunami castaway, the cabbage, and the condom?

The food at Doughnuts and Dildoes is better.

D.C. -

VERY good!

I think it was in "Buskin' ..." -- no answers on Google --

and, as I recall, there Temple Virgins involved ... and ... so ... hence, the name ...


Dougbo and Bigtom


"HugWang" Bay. Ha!!

And what about those "reclusive" beaches? Can you find them? Do they stay in their rooms or hide in the undergrowth? I'm all dressed up in my latex bikini and I can't find them anywhere.

Annie, please! I'd need a note from my cardiologist to read about your outfit.

I'd go there just to be able to send postcards from the place.

Nope,Nope,Nope...I am just not buying this. No way it REALLY exists! (do NOT send geezer bus, have Lil'Rascal handy)

name two different tourist destination taht you know?

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