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April 26, 2005


Let's all play: Name that Gizmo!

(Thanks to Claire Martin)


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heck...my productivity wasn't all that high to begin with... It's obviously a hillbilly popcorn popper

I got really excited after correctly guessing the Fish Counter, but then I just got worse and worse... broke as early as that tyre spinner thingy and went to find something else to waste time on.

Make sure you try to guess #87, Dave!

It's a still for algea.

It's a still for algea.

I think it crashed on Gilligan's Island & there was a camera on board & in a turn of events that can only be called "zany," the Castaways were mistaken for moon people.

Oh, & MaryAnn was way hotter than Ginger.

redneck houseboat?

MM are they breast pumps?

I named my gizmo Huge Johnson

Claire Martin again. Ok, either she's real friendly with Dave/Judi or really is Dave or Judy.

Darn it Dave! I was hoping it was another one of those games where you have to try and get the boulder to crash thru a ramp and kill the little stick guy....

Easy! That's Apollo 11!

No, Cubie, LOL

Who cares about the gizmo, I just want to know, WTF are Petropglyphs??

that gizmo on MM's link is a Bombazook with its lower Garp missing ...

(NEone who gets that literary allusion earns a spot as co-driver of the Geezer Bus ...)

The gizmo on MM's link is a Bombazook with its lower Garp missing ...

(NEone who recognizes that literary allusion earns a spot as co-driver of the Geezer Bus ...)

Darn! Darn!

I posted that an hour or more ago, and it failed to appear ... so I did it again, and ... guess what?

Ooooo...hours of bad guessing in store for my friends and I...

MM, that's an orgasmatron! I could tell you how it works, but I'd get a blog flogging.

D.C. -

... either that, or a whacked with a sock full of nickels ...

its a catamaran-cement mixer. no. wait. i think it is a portable orgasmatron - you're right dartful. the home orgasmatron is of course phone booth sized. this one you can take on vacation. or, just stay put.

What is this "productivity" of which you speak?

Candy Tutt, a petroglyph is a rock inscription on unfinished stone and usually the term is used to describe ancient inscriptions. That's right, it's ancient graffiti.

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