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April 25, 2005


(Via Gizmodo)


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Crackberries - har

I am not an addict!

*hides blackberry in desk drawer*

*starts twitching*

If that is true, you must go through a LOT of junk food at DaveBlog . . .

I hadn't noticed any... huh? Were you saying something?




"Those distracted by incoming email, phone calls and text messages saw a 10-point fall in their IQ"

Yeah, well...I can quit any time I want.

Crackberries - har

I am not an addict!

*hides blackberry in desk drawer*

*starts twitching*

If that is true, you must go through a LOT of junk food at DaveBlog . . .

MTOW - Nice span for a double-post!

U.O. - it must be really good for you.

What were we just talking about?

I... uh... forgot what I was going to say.

To quote Henry Higgins - "Damn, damn, damn, damn."

U.O. - it must be really good for you.

The Yes! above was only s'posed to be one time and it was not in anticipation of being the earliest post ... it was the joy at finding a treatment for my email/internet/blog "problem" ...

So, does my triple post mean it's a 36-step program?

If I lose 10 points of IQ for email, then I'm a bigger moron every day....


I've been working here for 9 years... I must have been a freaking genius to start with!

MOTW - your double posts seem to be on a two minute delay

Two questions- did anybody squeeze the blackberries? I was scared to. also is there a doubles virus afoot..um,ablog?

I don't get it!

Brownies anyone?

so no more reading email until 4:20 yall

The Barry Blog may have reduced our collective IQ to around 6 nanometers, but by God we have the best collection of "Yo mamma's so fat..." comments.
I'm so Proud to be a member of this blog.

*helps herself to one of Igloo's brownies*

Thanks Igloo! Are these made with love from Peri's greenhouse?

Now, as I was saying... Wait. What was I saying?

Oh look! Brownies!

*helps herself to one of Igloo's brownies*

Thanks Igloo! Are these made with love from Peri's greenhouse?

Now, as I was saying... Wait. What was I saying?

Oh look! Brownies!

father: "why did you fail your test, son?"

son: "it's a condition called 'temporary IQ fall-off', dad."

father: "well, you leave me no choice but to administer what is called 'the prohibition from taking part in usual activities'."

son: "you mean I'm 'grounded'?"

father: "yep."

iPod, iTunes, iChat, iSync, now iQ. What will they think of next?

I wonder if the propensity for double posting is related in any way to the volume of email read by the double poster.
Just asking.

D'Art - you forgot iCQ :)

I wonder if the propensity for double posting is related in any way to the volume of email read by the double poster.
Just asking

igloo.. no, it's not. People who double post just aren't paying attention, it doesn't neccesarily have anything to do with email.

igloo.. no, it's not. People who double post just aren't paying attention, it doesn't neccesarily have anything to do with email.

Gee, my posts are only coming through once. I'm feeling left out here.

What's the secret?

I wonder if the propensity for double posting is related in any way to the volume of email read by the double poster.
Just asking.


D'Art, just click the post button twice in a row


D'Art, just click the post button twice in a row

..like THAT.

Over heard at the silicone valley chapter of E-mails Annonymous

Hi Everyone,

My name is witchie-coo.

Hi witchie-coo

I've been an e-mail addict since 1987. I've been clean for 3 minutes. I started smoking again, so that's helping.

Witchiecoo - LOL!

But, may I inquire as to what kind of "cigarettes" you're smoking????
Want to share???

Hi Eleanor :)

Unfortunately, where I work, it is a no smoking environment... so they don't sell any in the cafeteria either. I'm bumming them from my colleagues, until my boss forces me to check my e-mail again.

However, I seem to be swapping one addiction (e-mail) for another (blogging). I think I'm going to need U.O.'s 36-step program.

I had a professor who once told us that smoking pot would lower your overall non-pot smoking GPA by one letter grade. I graduated with a solid B average.

D'art' - LOL!

'coo -- with a mere twitch of the proper digit, I can make that a 48-step program, or 60-step ... or 72-step ...

U.O. - I need one 12-step program per addiction, right? Let's see...

smoking (active recovery)
shoe shopping

hmmm... sign me up for the 72-step program, just to be on the safe side. I'm sure I've forgotten one.

Witchiecoo - Re: I'm sure I've forgotten one.
that's due to all the e-mailing

Sondra - You're probably right.

*weeps for her lost IQ*

D'Art - sounds like you HAVE the secret. Slow hand, light touch.... where was I...

Dave's not here, man......

psst, Steve. Steve? Hey, pay attention, Steve.

Sure he is Alan...He throws out ideas (or Judy does) and everybody weighs in. His Daveness checks in now and then.. occ. drops a remark,(check "signatures")and basically enjoys the madness. Patience Dear. Meanhoo..open 24/7.. enjoy the threads of our insanity. Or not.
Hey Poop Dogg. Long time no post.

Knock it off Dave...

You know what I am talking about!

I'll report you to the RSS Aggrievers Society!


(PS: This is not really Steve, but I thought this was due! and Funny!)

Steve - Not

I just read a rerun column from 11/29/1998 about Daves's stint as a Sushi chef and was horrified:

The author mentions sushi that has "tentacles with flagrant suckers", but clearly fails to note that this would be a great name for a rock band.

I kept reading on, hoping he would state such an obvious fact, and when I got to the end of the column, I found myself deprived of one of my favorite moments of the week.

Was he not paying attention? Was he still a beginner in 1998? I can't imagine he would permit such an oversight now, with 7 years more experience.

I can't wait till he gets back from his leave of absence.

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