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April 25, 2005


To try and please her.

(Thanks to Justin Barber)


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I'll stop now.

Kuttiyamma looks like a Binu . . .

And BTW "Rubber Tapper" is a profession now? Oh wait, i guess it's the oldest profession.

"Jilted Binu and the Inter-sex Group"
rock on!

I heard about those Inter-Sex Groups on the Inter-Nets . . .

I think I saw this movie on Lifetime once.

my cousins and i have played some pretty awful pranks on each other, but i think that this is taking it a bit too far.

"Okay, aside from the fact that we're related and that I have an additional gender in my crotch, give me one good reason we shouldn't be together!"

That's how Kuttiyamma became Binu.

Dave and Ridley have pretty much covered how Peter Pan met Captain Hook, so now it might be nice if they wrote a book on how Kuttiyamma became Binu.

I guess this scenario isn't covered in eHarmony.com's 29 Dimension's of Compatibility. Or maybe they skipped the Male/Female checkbox on the questionnaire.

You try, and then you try harder, and then you go the the most extreme measures, and you just can't please some people - disgusting!

"And the worst part is, when I went to tell her the good news after my surgery, she told me to go $#%& myself. I said, Thanks to you, I can't!"

Where does all the extra genitalia go?

Eleanor, that's been the subject of many C&W songs for ages.
C-bol, that's hilarious.

Two disturbing phrases in this article:

"...rubber-taping worker..."

"...move court..."

C-bol: That's twice today you made me spew soda out of my nose!

Good Will?

Eleanor, that's been the subject of many C&W songs for ages.
C-bol, that's hilarious.

Beloved Katie Couric Under AttackI guess a $60 million contract over four-and-a-half years would change my personality too!

lol!! Rita!

They should definitely have a "Members Only" jacket.

Looking for love in all the wrong places.

Has the word hermaphrodite been declared politically incorrect?

Since Binu had both sets of ...equipment, the surgery would have made a small difference on the outside. Laura must have had other reasons to leave him. My guess is the hormone re-balancing changed Binu's personality. His doctors should have warned him of this.

I'm not just from Houston, I'm from Montrose.

Popular t-shirt: 77006 not just a zip code - a way of life

And I'm the kind of person who knows her neighbors, and it's a kind of neighborhood where most people know each other. And each others' business.

good one, cbol!

good one, cbol!

Kuttiyamma, 29, a rubber-tapping worker, and her relative, Laura, 25, had been in love for the last 15 years.

So this all started when Kuttiyamma was 14 and Laura was 10.

That's just wrong, is all. I'll wait for the movie, starring Hilary Swank. No, never mind. I've seen it.

Glad to see American culture having an influence oversees.
What's Hindi for "Sue the bastard?"

I really had to check the by-line twice to make sure it didn't say West Virginia.


Here at 'Know Yer Perverts', we like to keep this stuff straight. (pun intended)

Hillary played a woman who dressed like a man - a transvestite. (or Hillary Clinton)

She was also a woman who loved women - a lesbian. (or nun, remember when that entire convent 'came out' in Brazil about 15 years ago?)

She might also have wanted to have a sex change operation - a transsexual. (what someone ought to do to Rush Limbaugh, just for the fun of it)

This sounds like a NIP TUCK epp.

Truth is stranger than Fiction!

WTF is/are "inter-sex features" ???

Feature Film at eleven?


Life imitates Art ... or Arthurella ... ?

Okay, U.O,

I'll try to spilain without saying anything prohibited.

Nevermind. If you really want to know, e-mail me.

As you demonstrate, Codger, sometimes sucking out half isn't possible. Matter's quantized. Perhaps it's been a while since you learned this as a current event.

As you demonstrate, Codger, sometimes sucking out half isn't possible. Matter's quantized. Perhaps it's been a while since you learned this as a current event.

go to hell kuttiyamma.. what the godamn thing u people were done.. anyway thanks god. u have no child.. concentrate only ur rubber taping ang make some fun with this..

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