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April 16, 2005


Doris is saved by surgery.


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I feel I need to say something about this, but I don't know what.

I believe the word you're looking for is: First!

Chicken peritonitis is a terrible thing for a chicken to have to endure, that's for sure.

I think Elvis "died" of something like that.

Human peritonitis wouldn't be too much of a picnic either ... it's a pretty fowl disease ...


makes you wonder why they didn't just go ahead and spay her. then there'd be no further problem and doris could live a long chicken life.

I think it's pretty frickin' annoying that my browser has a bunch of advertisements superimposed over the story so that I can't even read it. WTF is that about?

Chicken Peritonitis? Isn't that a menu item at Grandy's? Maybe it's Luby's....

Chickens in Yorkshire are finding
It hard to get cured of egg binding
You can quickly arrange
For the cost of some change
A new 'cluck' that needs no rewinding!

So...she had a backup of eggs...she needed an enema to clear the blockage...an egg enema...an eggnema?

It's an enigma.

Nice wordplay, Aunt Nancy. (any relation to Uncle O?)

I hate people who have lots of money, but what I I hate even more is people who throw their cash around on stupid things like this. It would be the ultimate irony of Doris keeled over tomorrow.

Chicken stuffed with egg......

*jots down new recipe idea*

Yeah, when they took Doris to the vet, she was in eggstremely bad condition ...

Josh --

Only in the avuncular-enaticular sphere of terminology ... I think ...

Nancy? Your input here would clarify the question/answer for Josh ... not that I know of ... but then ... stranger things have happened ... even to moi ownself ...

Hmmm...Tastes like chicken

Eggs back up? I sense an exploding chicken story coming on.

Okay, that wasn't funny.

Well, not VERY funny.

Yes it was.

[slinks off in self disgust]

[slinks back]

Speaking of ovedrboard surgery....

I had a woman that worked for me who once called to tell me she wouldn't be in because she had to take her rabbit in for surgery. I would have thought that it was the worst excuse for skipping work ever, except that she really was the sort that would spend $200 to save a $12 rabbit.

sheesh. there's some cold hearted people out here. i wouldnt have a pet chicken, but hey, if they have the money, so what. doesnt seem like they got shelled for too much to help out the chicken....

*sniff, sniff*

Smells like chicken...
Tastes like chicken...

MUST be Doris!

All this talk has reminded me of a couple of old threads ... not Dave's ... mine ... from long ago ...

Did you ever think that maybe a hen is just ... an egg's way of ... getting another egg ...?

Then, it wasn't too big a leap to the "sheepherder special" item on the menu ...

But the UPC site ... "Thinking like a chicken" ... ???????

Peck, Peck, Peck ... Cluuuuccck, cluuuuuuck ... peck, peck, peck ...

what an eggshellent story!

Yeah, it deserves a standing ovation ...

Yeah, I'd forgotten about him ... he doesn't have any new routines tho ... SOSO ...

UPC rocks!!!

... chickens. seriously. what is it with chickens lately? they're smelly birds, for pete's sake!

not one to begrudge anyone their beloved pet, i still have to say that given the option between shelling out (pun intended) money to fix a broken chicken and getting a new chicken....i'd get a new freakin' chicken.

wait..there's an internation respect for chickens day? -sighs- -shakes head sadly- proof, ladies and gents, that there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe: they avoid us like the plague.

i have no idea whats going on but im commenting anyway because im a retard who likes to type...how are you guys! i havent seen you for so long! gosh Madness, it's nice to know that you're still alive! i thought you died choking on that chikens head...

I had a pet groundhog with a bowel impaction once. I had no $$$ so, after many days, lots of surgical gloves, and several tubes of Preparation H the bloating and hemmorhoids disappeared. Unfortunately so did Hawgy Dawgy. (ran off with some groundhussy from two ranches up the hollar)

I had a pet groundhog with a bowel impaction once. I had no $$$ so, after many days, lots of surgical gloves, and several tubes of Preparation H the bloating and hemmorhoids disappeared. Unfortunately so did Hawgy Dawgy. (ran off with some groundhussy from two ranches up the hollar)

Dartful....yes, chickens lay very well without a rooster around. All they're doing is ovulating. You only want the rooster if you want the eggs fertilized for breeding.

I used to think chickens were a lame thing to have around, but my son talked me into building a coop and we now have a small flock in the back yard. Yes, we eat (and sell) the eggs, but the best thing is they actually have distinct personalities. You've just gotta be open minded.

Oh god. The CHICKENS have personalities. Not the eggs. I don't think.

Oh god. The CHICKENS have personalities. Not the eggs. I don't think....

Oh god. The CHICKENS have personalities. Not the eggs.


note to self: you CANNOT back up once you've hit "post!"

testing why we see so many double posts

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