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April 14, 2005


Think again.


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Thanks Susan, I think that about sums it up.

He certainly didn't bite off more than he could chew...you'd think more people would be receptive to that type of act...


*marks that one off the birthday to-do list*

to paraphrase: Eeeewwww.

Every girl's party needs its own star. Be
aware, though of Captain Al-Gharbi.
His 'filet o' snake'
Will make tummies ache.
(Just stay home and buy her a Barbie.)

What do Captain Jalal and Mike Tyson have in common?


"He takes a young snake that isn’t poisonous and bites its head off."

But, you know, if it had been poisonous, he would have gotten major kudos. And everyone knows how delicious kudos are.

I think I passed out somewhere in the first paragraph.

Great, now I'm gonna have nightmares.

Capitan Jalal or Capitan and Tenille hmmmmmm, I know I booked one of them for our Wedding Reception.....?

ooops....captain, not capitan

Why would any parent waste entertainment like that on their child? Kids won't appreciate the subtleties of his performance.

"Captain Jalal is seen on stage wearing a tight shirt, his large arms covered in tattoos. On his head was a blue bandana. His attire and demeanor resemble that of a 'tough' guy."

I just can't stop laughing at that paragraph.

"He should at least even the odds by placing a poisonous adult king cobra in his mouth and try to bite his head off instead of a harmless garden snake’s."

Now THAT'S fine childrens' entertainment.


I say it is WAY too easy for me to kill anything.

Sex is my problem. I get none of it.

Lets make life, not take it, OK folks?

I think that's the first time I've gotten the dry heaves while reading a news item. Uck.

a man...with a snake in his mouth. boy, you can get in trouble for that in america.

Why did you think anyone would want to know that this sort of thing is happening on this planet?

I know I could have lived without this information.

Not to sound racist or anything, but as a general rule in today's world, I'd have to admit that I'd sort of refrain from hiring an al-Anybody to entertain my kids.

Well, after all the trouble we had wrangling 5 year olds at my son's birthday party I'd say a Snake Chewer would be a hit with parents and kids next year. They'd sit for the show, that's for sure! Chew a snake, cake, pinata, gift opening, goodie bags, and goodbye. I think it would work.

That was enjoyable, in the sense that in that video grab, not only does the snake still seem to have its head, it appears to be biting "Jalal Al-Gharbi" who doesn't seem to be listed anywhere other than in this article, so he must be fairly hard to hire unless you really want his services.

oh, those whacky arabs. what will they think of next. ewwwww.

This is what he does as Captain Jalal. What will he do once he makes Major? Lieutenant Colonel?

“There is nothing tough about what he is doing. He takes a young snake that isn’t poisonous and bites its head off. I think the tough guy image is part of the act. I wasn’t impressed. He should at least even the odds by placing a poisonous adult king cobra in his mouth and try to bite his head off instead of a harmless garden snake’s,” Ahmed continued.

Yeah, Ahmed, you tell him.

*Looks at yummy rasberry stick that was breakfast*

*dumps it in trash*


You have to admit, it would break the monotony of yet another kid party at (up)Chuck-E-Cheese.

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