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April 18, 2005


Edible User Interfaces.

(Via Gizmodo)


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It looks like we're ushering in a new era of pornography.

First (a first for me)

Oh shoot, someone beat me to it.

It looks like we're ushering in a new era of pornography.
Brings a whole new meaning to the term, "Taste a rainbow!"

fret not, christopher.

you will, one day, have the opportunity to NOT be first again.

Let me be the first to say: Ewwwwwwww

Looks like porn.
Smells like fish.
Tastes like chicken!

Everybody's doin' it,
Doin' it, doin' it,
Lickin' their PC
And chewin' it, chewin' it.
Some say it's dandy.
Some say it's candy.
But it's not.

Key Quote: I proposed the new paradigm of Edible User Interfaces ...

So, if this stuff costs a nickel a taste, and I taste four pairs of nickels worth, would that be two paradigms?

OOPS. Sorry about that.

HOWever ... since I know what's been on my screen -- from various laughter-induced spewings and/or projectile vomiting -- I'm NOT gonna lick my screen ... I don't think so, Tim ...

HOWever ... since I know what's been on my screen -- from various laughter-induced spewings and/or projectile vomiting -- I'm NOT gonna lick my screen ... I don't think so, Tim ...

Ummm. U.O- pretty sure that four nickles only equals ONE paradigm.... EIGHT nickles is two paradigms.

Sadly, this blog is where I get most of my technological updates. Not the GOOD ones, mind you, but the ones I pass along to other people.

How wierd, that picture of that guy licking his screen, that looked just like me as soon as I saw that sexy 70's Dave pic! Except, of course, I'm not a guy. And Dave didn't taste like anything. Or smell like anything. At least as far as I know.

Oh, please. I tried licking Angelina Jolie the other day and she just tasted like glass.

Don't try licking Ann Coulter, though. She tastes bitter.

Mummyyyyyyyyyyy....Tommy ate the moniter again

My reaction can best be expressed by the next to the last yellow smiley-face things in the link on the right side of the blog. I don't dare speculate what is going on with the last one...

I realize the last statement is incomprehensible. Just look at the stupid smiley things.

Last post makes even less sense since I noticed that the link on the right of the blog changes each time you reload. I give up.

this whole world is going to hell!

What's that bean counter counting, Multi-colored Rat Doots? WBAGNFARB

Is anyone else still hung up on Dave's thighs from the previous post?

(Oh, great, it is just me...)

silver -- four pairs of nickels ...

... not pears or pares ...

[I swear! I only touched the post key once, way back up there ... I dunno how that double happened ... unless it was just 'cuz I said "pairs" ...]

Tracy, if I tried that my tongue would freeze. Or rot.

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