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April 18, 2005


Clearly, she's already got one.

(Thanks to many people who are glad they don't.)


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How could she do that to a Honda? It's just so wrong.

Perhaps she was blinded by Dave's shiny gold disco shirt.

Maybe she was angry at someone.......
Vote: Husband or Salesman?

Personally I'd like to see a competition start. How many things can you hit, when taking a driving test, without killing anybody but writing off the car at the end.

Maybe she was angry at someone.......
Vote: Husband or Salesman?

Why the hell did they have a tree in the showroom? The husband, the car, the wall I could see, but a tree?

Oh, the salesman? That's up for debate.

this is like a dream that I had .... only it was a Buick and and the victim was my junior high principal.

Oh, and that was the first time i have ever been first too... what do i win? A Toaster Oven?

No, Darth, just a toaster, slightly used (only once, for strawberry poptarts).

I'm four hundred and ninety-six! Do I win the battleship?!

Well, at least the airbag deployed.


An 81-year-old totals a car, on a test drive, and she does it in reverse!!!

Call the Guinness people!

No, the other ones! She deserves a toast to her accomplishments!

Out of ALL the things she hit, the brakes were not one of them.

What ever happened to You break it, you buy it?

See, she shoulda kept her hands in her pockets!

I love this story!!!! I can only hope that when I'm 85 I still have enough energy to do this much damage!!!!!!

El -

I dunno ... I don't think I've got the NRG to do this much damage now ... I wonder how I could manage it when (if) I last that much longer ...

You, on the other hand, always seem to be full of vim and vigor ... so I'm sure you'll do just fine ... all you hafta do is remember (or forget?) ... Right pedal, fast ... Left pedal, stop ... (and put the gearshift lever in "R" for Race!)

El -

I dunno ... I don't think I've got the NRG to do this much damage now ... I wonder how I could manage it when (if) I last that much longer ...

You, on the other hand, always seem to be full of vim and vigor ... so I'm sure you'll do just fine ... all you hafta do is remember (or forget?) ... Right pedal, fast ... Left pedal, stop ... (and put the gearshift lever in "R" for Race!)

El -

I dunno ... I don't think I've got the NRG to do this much damage now ... I wonder how I could manage it when (if) I last that much longer ...

You, on the other hand, always seem to be full of vim and vigor ... so I'm sure you'll do just fine ... all you hafta do is remember (or forget?) ... Right pedal, fast ... Left pedal, stop ... (and put the gearshift lever in "R" for Race!)

Now, be honest. Haven't you always wanted to do this to a car salesman?

"...the car was written off." -- only to be resold, its dents camouflaged, somewhere in Alabama.

The Guinness Beer people are the same as the World Record people.

yet another reason one should *NEVER* drive in Florida!

What happens in Florida stays in Florida!

Well, yeah, but they (Guinness) work in different disciplines ... I just din't want anyone to get the wrong office ...

and I do NOT KNOW (not knot no) what is going on with my multiple posts ... I only touch it once, it kicks me completely out and disconnects me ... and I've gotta start all over ... and when I get back to where I was, I find a whole lot more involvement than I planned on ...

Come to think of it, that's sorta like an old girlfriend I useta have ...

"She must have panicked..."

Ya think? when i cant see any more, i will hang up the keys. yikes.

aletha: What the article doesn't make clear is that she actually only hit one person before she hit the wall. She just happened to have been married to a tree that sold cars.

And everybody’s saying there’s nobody meaner
Than the little old lady from Floridiiaaa
She drives real fast and she drives real hard
She’s a terror in a new Honda Accord.

It’s the little old lady from Floridiiaaa

Go granny, go granny, go granny go
Granny go
Go granny, go granny, go granny go
Granny go
Go granny, go granny, go granny go
Granny go
Go granny, go granny, go granny go
Granny go

No surprise that the incident happened over in Ft. Myers. Here in Miami either the salesman or the husband would have pulled his gun and shot her as soon as he saw the backup lights go on.

Balanchine -

I lived in Ft. Myers for 10 years (and actually own a car from this Honda dealership), and this incident comes at no surprise to me.

Could she SEE over the steerwheel or if she was a "Q-Tip" driver?

Any word yet on the condition of the tree or the wall?

What did that car ever do to her. Poor Honda

aw shucks, Eleanor....

I like a guy who can say "shucks"......

Sigh, They don't make em like they used to....
car salesmen that is.

BTW Elanor, I heard the salesman say "shuck" (or something that sounded a lot like it) quite often. Does that count?

Sorry Eleanor.
I think I used to remember calling girls by the wrong name wasn't the best thing to do.

But did they RENEW her license? (um..could somebody please enlighten me...what's a "Q-TIP driver?) Please have pity, I'm just recovering from 3 wks of flu. Still foggy. Missed a lot of chuckles and y'all.

But did they RENEW her license? (um..could somebody please enlighten me...what's a "Q-TIP driver?) Please have pity, I'm just recovering from 3 wks of flu. Still foggy. Missed a lot of chuckles and y'all.

Wha! !#%&# I did NOT double click! Sorry.

Cynthia: Q-TIP driver

The only thing you see over the steering wheel is the white hair.

My grandmother was such a one. When driving her (very) eary model Datsun, she had to look out the window by peering under the top arc of the steering wheel. For some reason, my mother was always reluctant to let me ride with her.


Did you know you were quoting Brother Dave Garner?

"R" for Race

If ever you needed an argument for compulsory driver retesting for the aged, this is it.

If ever you needed an argument for compulsory driver retesting for the aged, this is it.

She works for Toyota.

markhh, Thanks. I think I miss your grandma. Mine flat refused to drive in her later years.

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