"Toilets are something none of us can do without." -- Joan Winterbottom
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"Toilets are something none of us can do without." -- Joan Winterbottom
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i am calling on congress to pass specific legislation limiting the maximum distance between public toilets in coastal communities to 300 paces.
Posted by: needing your vote | March 24, 2005 at 07:57 AM
. . . .and close the ding dang lid!! That's the real issue.
Posted by: Lush Bimbi | March 24, 2005 at 07:59 AM
Shouldn't it be:
-- or --
Posted by: antiroach | March 24, 2005 at 08:07 AM
"What I meant to say is toilets are something none of us can doo without. Also, I have a complaint about cold toilet seats." -Joan Winterbottom
Posted by: tyler | March 24, 2005 at 08:10 AM
"Thirty Helens Agree: Toilets are something none of us can do without."
Posted by: blige | March 24, 2005 at 08:12 AM
most of these decisions are made behind closed doors...
with signs on them marked 'Occupado', no doubt.
Posted by: insomniac | March 24, 2005 at 08:13 AM
"..it could mean a long walk to either end of the seafront for some people."
only for SOME? Not everyone would walk all the way to the end? They'd just drop thier trousers and poo poo right there on the marina sidewalk?
Posted by: Dave (not Barry.. calm down) | March 24, 2005 at 08:15 AM
I don't really understand the issue here. These people are at the Sea Shore! All they have to do is wade into the water to about waist height, complete their business and then return to shore.
Sheesh! What a bunch of Maroons.
Posted by: igloo | March 24, 2005 at 08:16 AM
Since Bexhill is a seafront community, folks can use the sea instead.
Posted by: MOTW | March 24, 2005 at 08:18 AM
Not a simul-post, but a great braincell sharing experience. Thanks, igloo.
Posted by: MOTW | March 24, 2005 at 08:23 AM
Key quote: "Local resident Valerie Rawlings said: "I have a medical problem that requires me to need public toilets available."
When pressed regarding this "medical condition", Valerie revealed that sometimes, especially when she has consumed a liquid, she needs to let urine out of her coochie. She would not discuss the other condition that occasionally requires the use of a public toilet.
Posted by: Christobol | March 24, 2005 at 08:29 AM
The concept of Brain Cell Sharing is getting me hot. I better call for my douoble.
Posted by: igloo | March 24, 2005 at 08:48 AM
well, duh.
Posted by: queensbee | March 24, 2005 at 08:55 AM
Doesn't anyone see a pattern here?
Margaret Attree, Anita Klugman and Joan Winterbottom...
At-tree, I-need-a and ....bottom?
Well, at least 1 has figured it out, 1 has making a request and 1 another's got a chill?
Posted by: kibby F5� | March 24, 2005 at 09:22 AM
do these ladies look like the Monty Python Pepperpots ?
Posted by: insomniac | March 24, 2005 at 09:45 AM
Well, I never!
tisk, tisk, tisk
Posted by: Pepper Pot | March 24, 2005 at 09:52 AM
Dear Sir,
While I normally resist the urge to comment on these matters, my cats and I were shocked by the content of this article. These ladies should practice the British stiff upper lip.
Arthur Pratt
Sidcup, Kent.
Posted by: BarryFS | March 24, 2005 at 12:34 PM
You know that your goverment is doing a good job at managing funds when they have to shut down the public toilets.
Posted by: jokes | March 29, 2005 at 11:35 AM
BEXHILL'S LITTLE HELPERS: Charity no: 802052 Registration ID: 230668.
DATE: 24/11/07 TIME: 6PM - ONWARDS VENUE: THE PELHAM HOTEL TICKETS - 50P EACH SOLD BY NATASHA 01424 223146. VARIETY CONCERT! It's HUGE and it's all for Children in Need!! Any one of any age can join in!! To take part in this fantastic event please ring Natasha on 01424 223146 or Sandy Ralph on 01424 219349. It only costs £2 to do any act of your choice and all money will go to children in need. [email protected] 285 London Rd, Bexhill on sea, TN39 4AH. We can NOT do the show with out performers so YOUR help would be GREATLY appreciated. To begin our organizing we are in search for; Judges, actors, dancers, mimes, tap dancers, singers, and anyone one with a special talent. People of all ages are welcome to take part.
For children in need one of the events is going to be a version of stars in their eyes. We are looking for children who would like to take part. We are going to judge all the children on how they look and mime when performing a song of their choice by an artist of their choice.
If interested in taking part in this event please contact us. The men have to dress up as Mrs. Bexhill and the Woman have to dress up as Mr. Bexhill.
Each contestant has to sing, dance, talk and look like Elvis and they have to perform to an Elvis song of their choice.
Each group has to dress, sing and perform like ABBA. They have to perform to their chosen ABBA song.
Clowns, Bands, Magicians, Celebs, Party entertainers, Local people, Ballets dancers, If anyone has a candy floss machine or jumping castle we could use, we would honestly be very grateful. If there are any shops or people who would kindly be willing to donate items towards prizes and raffles. Anyone willing to take part in one of the events from now until 24th November, Any football teams, cricketers, or any others willing to do a match for children in need We would greatly appreciate all the help we can get. Thank you
https://secure.artezglobal.com/registrant/personalPage.aspx?EventID=3641&LangPref=en-CA&RegistrationID=230668 (Please sponsor us for children in need)
From now until 24th November we will be doing a number of different activities to help raise money for children in need. To take part in these various activities, and to find out more. Please contact us at the above phone numbers. BEXHILL'S LITTLE HELPERS CLUB - If you would like to join our club please contact Natasha 01424 223146 or Sandy 219349. We are a club which do many diffrent projects each year, trying to help raise money for all needed charity's of all kinds. We too do fun things to help make a diffrence. Our big project for 2007 is Children in need - A variety show / concert and many other small events to help raise money for children in need. We look forward in hearing from you.
Bexhill's Little Helpers
285 London road,
Bexhill - 0n - sea,
East Sussex,
TN39 4AH
Tel: 01424 223146
Mobile: 07895029825
[email protected]
Everyone is invited to a 50p and under sale to help raise money for children in need.
Date: Saturday 23rd June 2007
Venue: 285 London rd, Bexhill
Time: 2pm - 5pm
We hope you are able to come, If you would like to do a stall with things to sell for children in need, please let us know as soon as possible so we can book you a table
Posted by: Natasha Clackworthy | June 20, 2007 at 06:02 AM