For some mysterious reason, each month my wife receives an issue of Outdoor Life magazine. My wife never subscribed to Outdoor Life; in fact, she has never hunted or fished.
But still the magazine comes. I have started looking forward to it, because Outdoor Life makes every effort to give the impression that hunting and fishing are exciting and sometimes dangerous activities, as opposed to what they actually are; namely, hobbies that consist largely of sitting around smelling your own b.o. while you wait for something to happen, which it rarely does.
Anyway, I thought I'd share the cover of this month's issue, which has two exciting stories:
SPECIAL REPORT: Inside the Dark World of Antler ThievesDeep in the Amazon for Fish that Eat Deer!
I immediately turned to the story about the deer-eating fish, which was hugely disappointing. There was only one brief and vague reference to deer being eaten by fish, and no pictures of it – just the usual photos featuring a guy holding a dead fish, with neither party looking like a rocket scientist.
I didn't read about the Dark World of antler thieves, because I want to be able to sleep at night