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February 28, 2005


We suspect the blog already owns one of these.

(Thanks to Lori Bodin)


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Number ONE with a bullet ..er.. rubber band.


If they can mount this on a rubber band-powered biplane, I'm in.

"Availability: out of stock."

I find that disturbing for some reason

Wonder if I can get on their mailing list...every guy in my family will want one of these!!!


I was all excited when I saw the "Chicken Chocker", when, upon further review, I realized that the device in question was a "Chicken Chucker"! Rats!
Oh well, on with the quest.

This is the guy special.

Where I work, there are signs posted that we are not allowed to bring guns or cameras to work. But we do have 'artillery' in the form of rubberbands and prefer the manual method of launching. I've gotten pretty good at banking the shots off the ceiling tiles or filing cabinets to hit my target.

Perhaps the use of this is what is making the Afghan army dance.

I could see a practical medical use for this machine gun in case of a massive break out of hemorroids.

Mine shoots Krystal Burgers. It is also bored to accommodate White Castles.


To quote Will Smith in "Independance Day"..... "I gotta get me one-d-these"

shouldnt that kid in florida have one?

I just finished one of their catapults - works great! You can break a window with a marble at 8 feet with something that looks like a big toy - and I'm sure you can put an eye out with that thing.. Also, check out all the other offerings - the radio-controlled mobile missile launcher was a big hit at my house.

I just finished one of their catapults - works great! You can break a window with a marble at 8 feet with something that looks like a big toy - and I'm sure you can put an eye out with that thing.. Also, check out all the other offerings - the radio-controlled mobile missile launcher was a big hit at my house.

woops! got an error message the first time, which I naively assumed meant that there had been an error in posting the comment. I guess it meant that there had been an error in my grammar or something.

I think it is cool! I want one. I can shoot my kids till they do their chores. I am so happy I finally found a solution to the chore doing problem.

I wonder if rubber band torture is covered by the Geneva convention? This will get those terrorists to talk!

Why whet our appetites, judi - when it's out of stock??

But it's very cool!

I however, have always had an irrational fear of being shot at with a rubber band - even a hand held one - so I'd prefer MOTW's weapon of choice!!

is it just me, or does anyone else think that it's not real? it looks like someone with photoshop had too much time on their hands.

It probably takes 12 seconds to shoot and 4 hours to load.

OK, on that burp-ping-pong-ball gun ... and the target it comes with ...

C'mon guys, admit it.

How many of us ever used the "target" that any sort of toy weapon had with it?

Sure, while Mom was watching for the first three minutes, THEN we found more interesting things to "practice" on ... the vase on the shelf, whiny cousins, screen doors, cats, windows, neighbors' dogs, cars ... aaaahhh -- so many targets, so little time!

la la la la la la the rubber band, man....

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