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January 26, 2005


Start with these.

(Thanks to Drew Harchick)


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I wonder how many pictures of 'the cupcake' that guy has printed out?

The doctor said this might happen.

I'm going to find my happy spot. I'll see you people later.

It's apparent that Adam will never have a chance in H of becoming professional. He needs to start first with the basics. For instance instructions found at the Smithsonian on the initial blueprints for the first maidenform bra.

Now I know what I will be bringing to the Super Bowl Party potluck!...these will be a total success!!!

Oooo.. partial nudity on the blog, always a good pick me up at work. Thanx judi.

They should make confections to commemorate ALL highly publicised celebrity mishaps.

-Whitney Houston "Powdered" Doughnuts
-Tommy Lee and Pam Anders Cream Filled Danish
-Prince Harry German Chocolate Cake

It could be great.


I'm at work, and it says I shouldn't open it here... and for once in my life, I'm listening to the warning...

Whats it about?? huh?? huh?? I wanna know?!?

go ahead Di...all your friends are doing it.

Di, it an extreme closeup of a very saggy and hairy mammary gland with a crusty looking sunburst on it.

And by the way, "Janet and the Gorilla Boobs" WBAGNFARB.

Point of order: Janet's rampart kinda lists to port, so the topping on the the cake should go that way too. Janet ain't so perky. I'm just sayin....

I'm not gay. Really. Not that there's..

Sorry Lush, but that's no rampart. It's more of a lowered drawbridge.

First, that guy has WAAAYYY too much time on his hands.

Second, the blog string is almost a year ago! Janet's breast is just so, so last year!

First, that guy has WAAAYYY too much time on his hands.

Second, the blog string is almost a year ago! Janet's breast is just so, so last year!

I live in Jacksonville where our Superbowl motto is.....or at least should be...

"Drop off your money and then get the hell out!"

We stole it from Orlando.

First, that guy has WAAAYYY too much time on his hands.

Second, the blog string is almost a year ago! Janet's breast is just so, so last year!

I think he did a very poor job on that cupcake. I mean, for starters, the nipple shield frosting isn't even metallic. And I bet it doesn't even taste like a boob! I'd give him a C-. Notorious Criminal Martha Stewart will soon be punishing him with her newly-designed highly-efficient and not-too-bloody form of Roo-Roo. That'll teach that bastard to try to bake things!

First, that guy has WAAAYYY too much time on his hands.

Second, the blog string is almost a year ago! Janet's breast is just so, so last year!

I agree, Tamara. I mean he didn't even have the right number of rays coming from the nipple shield. Sheesh. He should have used some hard confection rather than just cheap frosting.

The cheap frosting may have come from a hard confection.

Thanks for the description SteveB!
For a second I felt like I was missing out on something spectacular...

I might have to see my hypnotist again to try and erase the image of "a very saggy and hairy mammary gland with a crusty looking sunburst on it", along with of course, the Hasselhoff slideshow from the other day.

I never thought the day would come when I would have to go to the kitchen supplier and say, "I need some cupcake pans, please."

"What size?"


Igloo!! HA!!

Now that we have "special" cupcakes, can we soon expect "impressive" pumpernickel ... ?

(Or am I so far behind, that it's already been done? If so, I apologize to Trys' ... for being so last century ...)

It don't even look close.

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