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October 22, 2004


Be careful out there.

(Thanks to Kim Rumball)


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First? Do I get a helmet?...

Why do the aliens always return these guys?!?!

Guess that proves there IS intelligent life out there.

(OK, let's see if I can do this one without a double post.)

First? Do I get a helmet?...

First? Do I get a helmet?...

Why do the aliens always return these guys?!?!

Guess that proves there IS intelligent life out there.

(OK, let's see if I can do this one without a double post.)

First? Do I get a helmet?...

What's going on? I think we better go get helmets NOW.

What's going on? I think we better go get helmets NOW.

That's just stupid. Who would fall for this? I mean, if aliens COULD control our minds, they


wouldn't be thwarted by some stupid helmet, would they? Man, I got a little woozy there for a second.

it's deja vu all over again.

rita - lol!!

Okay, now I know where Dale Gribble gets his info.!

rita - lol!!

Okay, now I know where Dale Gribble gets his info.!

rita - lol!!

Okay, now I know where Dale Gribble gets his info.!

rita - lol!!

Okay, now I know where Dale Gribble gets his info.!

rita - lol!!

Okay, now I know where Dale Gribble gets his info.!

Dayum at the multiple posts today.

What?? I kept getting an error message indicating nothing happened.

What?? I kept getting an error message indicating nothing happened.

It would have been nice to have one of those things the last time I was abducted.

From the testimonial section:

“The aliens clearly do not like the helmet.” (This statement is from a woman abductee and her five year old daughter who was also being abducted. The aliens harassed the five year old and threatened her that something terrible would happen to her mother if her mother did not stop wearing the helmet. The girl was so frightened by the aliens that her mother stopped wearing the helmet and they both were taken.)


When you hit the post button, it posts. Always. I have never, ever, ever ever ever hit the post button and it just not post.

Also, sometimes when you hit the refresh button in the middle of waiting for it to post, it will double post. This gets me sometimes, and I haven't figured that one out yet.

But for the love of god, just don't hit the post button again, unless you really want to double post.

Jon Locke is their spokesperson? I thought he died sometime after writing our Constitution?

I suppose it's tasteless to make a "Rape of the Locke" joke here....

Ok, ok, I'll cut it out.

The fella's picture on this site says it all...

How'd you like HIM as your next-door neighbour??

Federal PSA...even with hitting the Post button once and walking away and not touching the computer until it "took"...I'm still getting multiple posts today. I think the blog has been taking performance enhancing drugs.

Federal PSA...even with hitting the Post button once and walking away and not touching the computer until it "took"...I'm still getting multiple posts today. I think the blog has been taking performance enhancing drugs.

Um. . . okay, besides the fact that common sense tells us that these people are crazy, does anyone else see the problems with these helmets? If whatever mechanism these hypothetical aliens use for mind control can penetrate the skull, surely covering just the back and top of the head would be insufficient? Really, you'd need a full-body suit of shielding material before there wasn't a way for the mind-control rays to reach the brain. It's one thing to believe in something insane like this, but it's far worse when one's ideas don't even make sense within their own system.

Think of this, if you put 8 layers of whatever in your hat, would it fit? They don't tell you to buy a really big hat, so then you wouldn't be able to get in on your head and the aliens would still be able to control your mind....

Dis helmut es de pantyhosen auf de human-alien intercourse.

I'm still trying to figure out if this is all just a big joke or not. Did you follow some of those links? How about the "Aliens and Children" link? You read about "giant vats of liquid" and "playing with alien/human hybrid children." Here's my favorite, though...

"When the aliens are finished they return their victims to their original location, sometimes not in the same spot. When parents find a baby lying outside its crib in the morning for no known reason the baby was possibly abducted. Children found in different beds in the morning also may have been abducted."

Giant Vats of Liquid wbagnfarb.

These people are serious. I've followed links from other websites when I'm bored. I'll tell ya what, there aren't enough hats in the world for some of these people.

I have a much less expensive solution. Just stop changing your underwear. I started this a few years ago and have never been abducted by aliens.

uh, yea, pass the tinfoil. [hums the twilight zone theme.] as long as one of these nuts doesnt go moving into somebody's house....

You can really use one of these the next time Cher or Barry comes to town and you're really tempted to go. Unless, of course, they use their (not they're) direct hynotic staring procedure on you. (And you'd think the Mantis creatures could come up with a catchier name for that, wouldn't you?)


"In another case, a woman wearing a helmet was taken by a Mantis alien being which reverted to its direct hypnotic staring procedure."

Man, I just saw Zorak perform this procedure on Space Ghost! (really)

damn, i thought my helmet was safe in kentucky. and now dental work is out of the question

Note that Popular Mechanics (or Popular Science, one of the two) provided the correct method of resisting alien abduction some time back. You attempt to sell them life insurance. This repels most humans, so may work on aliens also.

Question, How to make the world a safer place. Answer....How about an introduction agency to match up these guys with the Thai penis snippers?
(Well, safer for future generations anyway)
"I have achieved meaningful work and I am contributing to society".

And of course the Thai Penis Snippers wbagnfarb

"However, people can still be overcome by the Mantis alien (leaders) direct hypnotic-staring procedure as described by David Jacobs in ufoabduction.com. New devices and methods to overcome their hypnotic control ability are being tested."

First of all, I bet the incidence of being directly and hypnotically stared at goes way up when wearing the hat. Second of all, I can't wait to see type of garmet will be used to defend against the stares.

This is the funniest site I have seen in a LONG time. Thanks for sharing!

When I saw that link, it reminded me of something. The URL (linked from my name) is for a similar site, only using Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanies. And they have celebrity endorsements, so you know it's (not its) the real cheese.

Take care Tina! Didn't you read that ONLY 3M Velostat will do the job properly.
I imagine that 3m are just a tad less than thrilled about this product endorsement.

"nam yo ha range kyo! nam yo ha range kyo! nam yo ha range kyo!"

p.s. Gott cha!!!!!!!!!

My 4 year old daughter, Steffy (peanuts) was abducted by the aliens when she was 7 months old. I went into the kitchen one morning at 7:45 and found her sitting in a Buddist position on top of my refrigerator! (True)

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