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September 20, 2004


This evening we're moseying out of Seattle and on to Phoenix. We thank all the buccaneers and buccanettes who made this tour stop memorable, and wish to report for the record that pirate toilet paper only has the Jolly Roger on the outside wrapper.


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September 19, 2004
• posted by Dave 08:36 PM
• permanent link to this item

In addition to the blog-related pirates, the people pictured above appeared at the booksigning driving a Dodge van that had been converted to a pirate ship. They had swords AND a cannon, so we did whatever they said.



Posted by: Dan Arrrrrr Gross on September 19, 2004 08:43 PM

Aye, correct me if I'm wrong mateys, but the landlubber on the right looks like he be wearin' Mickey Mouse ears. Cap'n Dave's been spendin' too much time in Orlando.

Posted by: blue beard escuela on September 19, 2004 08:48 PM

Nay, that be Dave's pirate hat. Looks like it be tipped back a little. Perhaps a bit too much rum fer him!

Posted by: Jessica R. on September 19, 2004 09:07 PM

BARRY!!! DAVE BARRY!!! The Vikings will have their vengeance on you for bringing to light this day of Pirates, our most abhorred of enemies! You'll see Dave, tommorow you'll see what I have in store for you!

(I'm pulling a Frank J. ;)) If you know not what that means, you'll see tomorrow and wish you'd never started all this shenaniganary!


Posted by: Reed the Viking on September 19, 2004 09:14 PM

Arghh, there be spammers on last night's threads. Let's board their vessels, plunder their booty, and scuttle their scurvy ships (er, Websites)! Who's with me , Mateys?

On second thought, went to a parade today with all three kids, takin' my worn out, knocked-up, pirate lass body to bed!

Posted by: Jessica R. on September 19, 2004 09:15 PM

Yeah right, Dave, I bet they had to hold you down and force you to drink the gallon of grog. Pull the other one.

Captain Jack Rackham

Posted by: Jeff Meyerson on September 19, 2004 09:23 PM

Arr. A fine ship is fine thing, and a solid shipbuilder be yer best ally when the storms surge yer aft quarters.

When the seas be high and wind unkind, "Dodge" be me choice.


Posted by: Black Jack'o'cakes on September 19, 2004 09:23 PM

Jessica R: war in progress.

Posted by: Leetie Rough Wench on September 19, 2004 09:24 PM

Arrr, I wanna see a photo of the Jolly Doger van/ship!

Posted by: wax "Iron Anne" wing on September 19, 2004 09:24 PM

Looks like a bunch of Scallywags-Mateys

Posted by: THBowers on September 19, 2004 09:30 PM

BARRY!!! DAVE BARRY!!! The Vikings will have their vengeance on you for bringing to light this day of Pirates, our most abhorred of enemies! You'll see Dave, tommorow you'll see what I have in store for you!

(I'm pulling a Frank J. ;)) If you know not what that means, you'll see tomorrow and wish you'd never started all this shenaniganary!


Posted by: Reed the Viking on September 19, 2004 09:14 PM

You see what happens when bloglits are asleep at the helm? Way to go, 'pirates'.

Posted by: Black Morgan Peri on September 19, 2004 09:34 PM

Rough Wench, be we not needed at the war? Yon scalawags look to be firin' at their own fleabitten hides!

Posted by: Captain Lottie the Gold on September 19, 2004 09:39 PM

The VIkings can bite me.

Posted by: Jeff Meyerson on September 19, 2004 09:39 PM

Yarr, how can those of us bein' at the St. Louis booksigning next ...scurvy... month top that?? A cannon? Shiver me timbers! Thar be a plot afoot!

Posted by: mb on September 19, 2004 09:43 PM

They be toothless bastards, Cap'n Jack...

Posted by: Captain Lottie the Gold on September 19, 2004 09:44 PM

Then for the love of Pete, go get them!

Posted by: Tired of fighting with a skeleton crew on September 19, 2004 09:57 PM

arrrrrr.. and dave, dave - you can win the presidential election! just look how popular you are wi those folks. hey. vote dave, the pirate candidate!

Posted by: queensbee on September 19, 2004 10:01 PM

Aye, and a pathetic lot ye be. Ye call yerselves pirates? We'd a fed the lot 'o you to the fishes 2 miles from shore had ye sailed wi' me.

Posted by: Black Beard on September 19, 2004 10:16 PM

I think it looks more like a version of the "Princess-Leia-I've-attached-cinnamon-rolls-to-the-side-of-myhead-to-keep-my-ears-warm" look that was so popular when Star Wars first came out

Posted by: Slashin' Calla Bellamy on September 19, 2004 11:20 PM

oops.. missed a hyphen. For those of you who worry about that sort of thing, here it is -

Posted by: Slashin' Calla Bellamy on September 19, 2004 11:23 PM

to many fat man ..:)

Posted by: Jone Decor on September 20, 2004 12:44 AM

i rok man!! yeah!!

Posted by: maxiecat on September 20, 2004 02:13 AM

yes..but do they have coconut bras?...
i ask u that!

Posted by: Bangi_Of_The_Black_Seas on September 20, 2004 04:17 AM

Dave, I made this precise comment yesterday, but in case you missed it, here it is again:

I have a coconut bra. Sadly, Dave will not be able to see it, as I will be unable to attend any local booksignings when he's in L.A. Unless he and Ridley would like to kick out my two roommates for the night and chill with me. We could kick it at my place on the east side of the down-low n get some like ultratight shiz happin n we could be superfly homeez fer realz dog. What-what?

Heres a necklace that can draw attention away from some other physical defects

What necklace? All I see is major ramparts.

You have your own internet? Wow, you must be close to Al Gore.

Dave - it's not generally a good idea to look at your used toilet paper to see what patterns appear.

Only sadness lies on that road, me hearty.

Dave: Arrrr, see ya Thursday me heartie!

and unique exotic gothic goth tribal silicon-filled balloons... I'm sure there's a GNFARB in there somewhere.. dang those things are scary

Dave, was you ever stung by a dead bee?. You can you know. Anyway, just wondering.

Hey Joshkr, Dave used your toilet paper! You made the big time!

Kat, how'bout

"Gothic Ramparts"

"Spangled Ramparts"

"Fear of Ramparts"

"Dr. Kevorkian's Ramparts of Death"

Just a few thoughts on gnfarb.

a couple of haiku

terrifying sight
big enough to smother you
gigantic ramparts

skin stretched taught shiny
pendulous I wonder what
they smell like under?

A cold descent hell dream
gilded boobs loom large too large
please no I'll be good

I wonder what they smell like under?

That is just frightening.

why the extremely long annoying repost of yesterday's comments?

Hmm, I thought my browser was just messing up there, but it just turns out to be Doug reposting yesterday's comments? Um, yeah. Why?

I'd delete it if I were you, Judi. I mean, no offense, Doug, but what the hell? I can tolerate your frequent postings of completely off-topic ramblings in just about every thread (rarely having anything at all to do with the subject), but posting a huge string of past comments...well, that's just too pointless and annoying to keep. Should be deleted.

Doug is just doing what Doug is supposed to do.

He is the person in charge of pointless posting and non-sequiters. He was elected to that position by a group of ostriches and a frog named Salvador. From what I can gleen from most accounts of the election, it was a close race between Doug and a licorice flavored gumball.

He's just trying to keep his constituents appeased.

Thinks Doug did a cut & Pasties from the previous post and didn't realize he got the entire thing.

But then again maybe he WANTED to do this.

Gotta admit, it is unique.

... or maybe it's just me.

I actually thought it was some kind of unintentional computer glitch.

mudstuffin: just a hint of lavender

*hello doug...how u doin?*

And more importantly, how is Salvador?

Reed the Viking
anagrams to ==>

- The eked virgin
- Reeked Thing VI
- Hi, Kent. Gird Eve.

... come on Tina, now you'r (yes, you're) being too humble.


There, that'll set the record straight.

How 'bout some lunch ideas? What's your fave?

"Frankfurter Spectacular" mmmmm!

* apologies to Danny Kaye, who sang Coconuts

Down at an English fair
One evening I was there
When I heard MKJ shouting underneath the flair -

She's got a lovely pair of coconuts
They're unique, exotic, gothic as can be
Big ones, enormous, almost as big as your head
Give them a twist a flick of the wrist
That's what the (e-Bay) listing read.

*Wipes prodigious spewage from monitor* Boy I wish I was on Weight Watchers in the 70s... My mom probably was... no wonder I turned out so warped.

*bows deeply to mudstuffin*

I yield all of my band naming rights to you, good sir, until next time anyway ...

You truly are Lord Mudstuffin of the Band-Naming Knights who say "Sha Na Na" (and they say this only to avoid copyright infringement lawsuits)

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