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August 26, 2004


If some woman, walking down the street and singing to herself with a big grin on her face, reached into her purse and handed over an open soft drink, this bloggerette would definitely not drink it.

That is all.


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I would, however, accept some tasty cheese from her.

I'd say ix-nay to the drink ... but I'd take the wooden nickel ...

Then I'd go see a man about a horse ...

Am I in the wrong thread?

Judi, Judi, Judi, do ya love me?

Hand over the drink.

Judi, I was just thinking the same thing. Now, if it was a cute guy.......

Judi, I was just thinking the same thing. Now, if it was a cute guy.......

But if the cute guy was carrying that purse? Kinda makes me think teletubbyish. But that could just be me.

Would it make a difference if an entire camera and sound crew were walking along with her?

Writer's Cramp, that's how I got in the "Girls gone wild video". camera and sound crew...something to drink.....good times


I was just being FRIENDLY, Judi!

*Reaches into purse* Anybody thirsty?

Look, a Chubbie!

*takes Polly up on her gracious offer*

Everytime I see that ad I think to myself, "Hey, she has one of those Mary Poppins bags that she can just pull all sorts of stuff out of." She pulls out like 15 bottles of Coke, out of one purse? Have you ever looked in a woman's purse, there is no room for 15 bottles of Coke!

Course it's a Chubbie, DJT! Straight from the motherland in Latvia...or was it Lithuania. Peri will know.

Gotta new flavor here...Peyote Parfait.

Cool, Peyote Parfait wasn't on the poll. Let's have a recount!

*realizes that he is in Florida and that he will have to rely on bloglits from other states to vote properly*

DJT...I lived in FL during the last election...

It's my goal to screw it up for Wisconsin this year.

*Sneaks over to new-fangled electronic voting machine. Unplugs.*

That was easier than hanging chads!

Hey, sometimes buying a coke and teaching them harmony is thirsty work, ok. So she took a sip, big deal? So she has tendancy to create a lot of backwash, what of it? So she's got a gangrenous tongue, is anyone perfect?

That commercial always reminds me of Preperation-H Raymond.

Candy from strangers? Just a thought.

What about popcorn from the guy next to you in the movie theater?


For guys who might be bored this weekend, here's a special offer

And not to forget the ladies . . .

And if you think this is funny I can not explain why (careening off topic ...)

And if you think this is funny I can not explain why (careening off topic ...)

Where's my post? You lost my friggin' post!

Now you lost a golden opportunity to pick up $36 million I received fro a kind man in South Africa today. Oh well, your loss, my gain.

from, not fro

All right, since you asked so nicely, I'll give you a second chance to get in on the cash.

Key line: "the account holder has long since passed away (dead)." That parrot has snuffed it.

Here it is:

7th Floor, Kamkholo Bld
Cnr. Brown and Voortrekker Str.
Nelspruit 1200.South Africa.
Sattlite Phone:+870-763432260

(RE: TRANSFER OF ($ 36,000,000.USD)


My name is Dr. Foster Morgan, and I work in the
international operation department in a Local Bank
here in South Africa. On a routine inspection I
discovered a dormant domiciliary account with a BAL.
Of 36,000,000 (Thirty Six Million USD) on further
discreet investigation, I also discovered that the
account holder has long since passed away (dead)
leaving no beneficiary to the account.

The bank will approve this money to any foreigner
because the former operator of the a/c is a foreigner
and from Iraq in particular and I am certainly sure
that he is dead, and nobody will come again for the
claim of this money A foreigner can only claim this
money with legal claims to the account Holder;
therefore I need your cooperation in this transaction.

I will provide the necessary information needed in
order to claim this money, But you will need to open
an account where this can be transferred. If
interested send your private Telephone No. And Fax
number including full details of the account to be
used for the Deposit I wish for utmost confidentiality
in handling this transaction as my job and the future
of my family would be jeopardized if it were breached.

The informations will be as follows?

Bank Name.........
Bank Address........
A/C Name.............
A/C Number..............
Swift Code No..............
Routing Number................

I want to assure you that the transaction is without
risk if due process is followed accordingly. Finally I
will give you 25% for your corporation. I look forward
to a favorable response from you, please i waiting for
your response. If you are dailing this nos just dail
direct after [your country dail out code] because it's
a satelite phone.

Thank's for your maxinium co-operation and remain

Best Regards,

Dr.Foster Morgan.

"Dail"? "Thank's"? And what is "maxinium co-operation?"

Rhetorical question: is anyone really this stupid?

Mahatma, thanks. It will go great next to my leg lamp.

Mahatma, thanks. It will go great next to my leg lamp.

I'm excited, but needless to say (I hope) I didn't post twice.

MKJ... I can get a corn-fed, all-American 20 year old boy for only $10?

What a country.

And he plays saxophone! which can only mean one thing...nimble fingers...

I'll take two.

MKJ - Me thinks that you are an interesting little rascal as all of your links that you post are blocked by this government firewall...makes me really wonder what you are up to.

Jeff M - do you think you have a better chance at getting the 'fro' or getting your inheritance of $36M?

(I know, it was a reference to omitting the 'm')

oo: yes

Wow. This is the most diverted thread in which I've ever participated. I had to scroll to the top *twice* to remind myself what the original topic was. It's like a round-table discussion at an ADD convention.

F. Duck: I can't figure out what the original thing was about, so . . .

"This doggie dress includes a secret pocket big enough to fit a dog bone."

We had a topic?!?!?!?

With all of the blocked sites that MKJ keeps posting, I REALLY want to know what the topic is, was, and ever shall be.....

oo: Just a few lil' ol' ebay items is all, as I sometimes do for some unknown reason . . .

DJT, isn't using "government" and "save a lot of money" in the same sentence an oxymoron?

The link we were posting about was a young, shirtless man who was offering himself up on Ebay. So far the highest bid is $10.

Hey, Slowlayne... If we go halfsies I'll give you first crack at him.

(har har)

There's also a British gent for rent, but you'll have to pay in pounds or kilolitres or something . . .

I don't trust the ones without pictures.

Anyone else notice how the wife offer above has 17 bids, but no one seems interested in the dudes? Funny how that works. Or is it . . . ?

Jeff et al, you'll get a kick out of a website devoted to scamming the scammers. I may harbor some hostility to Anglocentric ridicule of foreign names (see previous thread), but as far as I'm concerned it's wabbit season and those get rich quick scammers are the wabbits.

Try that scamming the scammers site again:

It's a silly commercial, but I think it's kind of cute. I like that little embarassed smile she gives at the end. It's so damned cute.

I hadn't noticed that all the Cokes were pre-opened though. I'll have to watch for that next time I see it.

Mahatma, like far out, dude, on the hippie dog dress. I sent the link to my brother, a major Deadhead (he took off work when Jerry died).

And on the British gent Polly is right: no picture, no bid.

I hate to be totally out of it but I have to admit I've never seen that Coke commercial.

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