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Sorry to neglect the primary function of the stealth bloggerette.
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ARG! I hate not being allowed to open at work :(
Posted by: Jess S | August 27, 2004 at 08:09 AM
That's the purtiest thing I've seen in a long, long time.
Reminds me of an old boyfriend of mine. Only he was bald, 120lbs, 5'6", and his face was different... Otherwise he's a dead ringer.
Posted by: Polly | August 27, 2004 at 08:13 AM
Jess - Unless you've been firewalled and can't, I'd say these aren't unsafe for work as long as no one is standing right behind you or you are a straight guy
Qualifier - unless you work in a very very very conservative kind of place
Posted by: iolite | August 27, 2004 at 08:14 AM
Oh, and Thanks Judi - I haven't seen anything that tasty looking since I watched the men's 4 rowing event.
Posted by: iolite | August 27, 2004 at 08:16 AM
Thanks!! I was in a pissy mood this morning, but I feel much better now.
Posted by: Flukey | August 27, 2004 at 08:16 AM
Thanks iolite! I feel much more in the loop now.
Posted by: Jess S | August 27, 2004 at 08:18 AM
I opened it at work, in a conservative environment, with women around me, and I'm straight, and I've gotta say, I now hold the world's land speed record for closing Internet Explorer: 0.0003 kilograms fahrenheit.
Posted by: Federal Duck | August 27, 2004 at 08:26 AM
I would open this but I'm afraid that if I do, I will catch it and become a gay american.
Posted by: Mahatma Kane Jeeves | August 27, 2004 at 08:29 AM
I opened it at work...he he he. I'm so bad. But it's ok. Obviously if I can blog and build my personal website and write emails all day, no one will object to me looking at photos of HOT guys, though fully clothed. Darn it Judi, How come the guys get the naked photos? It's not fair.
Posted by: Christine the bean | August 27, 2004 at 08:33 AM
find me a tasteful-but-naked one that isn't porn or man/boy-oriented, and i'll blog it.
Posted by: judi | August 27, 2004 at 08:36 AM
Jess - you are most welcome. Nothing like a little office friendly eye candy to perk a girls day up.
Posted by: iolite | August 27, 2004 at 08:40 AM
Yeah, I don't know how to explain to my boss why I was lookign at pictures of naked men all day. The classic "Judi told me to do it" may work. I may have more "splaining to do" to my fiance than my boss.
Posted by: Christine the bean | August 27, 2004 at 08:46 AM
Something to ponder:
I am the IT Coordinator where I work, and we have a content filter to filter internet sites. It's pretty liberal, just no porn or drugs, etc... The thing about this is that when a site is blocked, it logs the user and the blocked site. So be prepared the next time someone from IT looks at you funny, and guys, TAKE HEED to the "WARNING: DO NOT OPEN AT WORK, OIYDWYMTTY(NY)G" warning. Perhaps there should be an "ITG" (IT Group) in there to go along with the YM (Your Mother).
And oh yeah, these content filters generally don't apply to the people in IT.
Posted by: Drew | August 27, 2004 at 08:56 AM
So Drew what are YOU doing on the computer all day?
"Yeah sir, um ...I'm uh..just checking to make sure ALL of these bad sites are being blocked so that we can improve the work environment and efficiency of this great company. No one else will be taking a peek at these girls while on the clock. It's my quintessential role as IT coordinator."
Posted by: Christine the bean | August 27, 2004 at 09:13 AM
IT people don't scare me.
Posted by: Mahatma Kane Jeeves | August 27, 2004 at 09:15 AM
We'll give judi a pass on this one, seeing as she so kindly posted the Olympic update...
*puts golf counter away*
Posted by: Higgy | August 27, 2004 at 09:20 AM
Judi said (regarding pix of men): "find me a tasteful-but-naked one that isn't porn or man/boy-oriented, and i'll blog it."
Sure thing. What's next? A middle east peace solution? Perhaps you'd like a pill that causes you to store fat only where you like it? A boyfriend who likes to talk about how different fabrics make you feel?
Posted by: Christobol | August 27, 2004 at 09:48 AM
Oh, and one other thing re: "find me a tasteful-but-naked one that isn't porn or man/boy-oriented, and i'll blog it"
Does that imply that there ARE tasteful-but-naked male porn or man/boy oriented pics, but you just won't blog them? What's your definition of 'tasteful' again?
Just tryin' to figure out whether I should wear the badger thong for the pic, is all.
Posted by: Christobol | August 27, 2004 at 09:52 AM
How about Well, I don't know if you'd consider it tasteful. Maybe 'tasty' would be a better word. Anyway, today's offerings are a paean to denim. But don't open at work etc.
Posted by: Jeff Meyerson | August 27, 2004 at 10:25 AM
Christine: Umm, yeah, pretty much. How'd ya know?
Posted by: Drew | August 27, 2004 at 11:02 AM
We now interupt your daily dose of tasty men....
Hi, me again with serious crap...I promise I will stop doing this in a couple of days.
I'm participating in a Walk for the Cure for Diabetes next neice was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes at 18 months old. I am asking for donations to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. (I would link this, but I don't know how)
Visit , then click the walk for the cure icon at the top of the page. There is a window that lets you search for a walker to support....type in "Amanda Ray" in Ohio. Any donations you make would be a big help and are tax deductible.
You may now return to your regularly scheduled eye candy. Thank you.
Posted by: Midget | August 27, 2004 at 11:16 AM
Drew: I don't know just a wild guess. Or maybe not. Maybe I have hacked into your system and have been carefully watching your every move. Perhaps you already know me and "Christine" is just my code name. Maybe I'm watching you right now. My evil plan will finally be unveiled...(evil laugh) **muahahaha**
Posted by: Christine the bean | August 27, 2004 at 11:44 AM
Drew: I don't know just a wild guess. Or maybe not. Maybe I have hacked into your system and have been carefully watching your every move. Perhaps you already know me and "Christine" is just my code name. Maybe I'm watching you right now. My evil plan will finally be unveiled...(evil laugh) **muahahaha**
Posted by: Christine the bean | August 27, 2004 at 11:44 AM
CTB: Oh yeah, well then how many fingers am I holding up right now? Huh?
Posted by: Drew | August 27, 2004 at 12:02 PM
THANK YOU JUDI ... words cannot express how much brighter my day looks as I head out the door to work with pix of Rob Sager running round in my head... you are an angel!!!
Posted by: Kat | August 27, 2004 at 12:19 PM
what does the acronym stand for ( you know, the OIY...etc. one)
Posted by: AL | August 27, 2004 at 01:17 PM
AL: It's something like "or if you don't want your mother to think you're (not your) gay. Yeah it took me a while to figure that one out the first time too. Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Drew: Drat, you foiled my plan yet again. I will have to find another way to overcome your unsurpassed intelligence and charm. Hmm...(pinky to corner of lip) if only we had Dr. Evil to help us...
Posted by: Christine the bean | August 27, 2004 at 01:40 PM
Thanks for viewing my pics girlfriends. I love being a man. These steroids really work. Well, I'm off to the "winky building doctor" for a pre-op "inspection."
Posted by: Rob | August 27, 2004 at 03:49 PM
CTB: Ha! It was four by the way.
Posted by: Drew | August 30, 2004 at 04:39 AM