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August 27, 2004

HOLY &^)*&(*), BATMAN

(Thanks to Laura "Rayne" McEwan)


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First! Laura can blame the link on me.

Yep, total blame goes to Nike Victory. I had nothing to do with the sexualization of a toy.

nope. Not a thing.

It took me a minute to figure out that's a water pistol. Sometimes I just wonder about the level of awareness of toy designers.

Although the, ahem, "plunger" is the focal point, take another look and note where the - koff! koff! - plug is.

Heh, you made my weekend with that one.

I always thought Batman kinda, you know, Bat-ted for the other team. That protruding butt plug is a total giveaway.

Of course Batman does. Look at Robin.

Where do you think the gay "Bruce" stereotype came from?

My favorite episodes of the old serries are where Alfred had to wear the batsuit because Bruce had been captured or had to prove he wasn't Batman. What's yours?

Hey, that's Greatest Journal! But LiveJournal is the original and much better!

Yes, LiveJournal is the best, I agree. :)

That's just creepy ... I have visions of small children filling Batman's butt with water, then groping him good and proper to get off a shot ... its not a pretty thing to think about ...

Holy flora!

And then who wants Batman to projectile vomit over one's friends, anyway? But...or should I spell that "butt", if Batman leaked on me I would end up throwing the thing at them anyway.

Gaffer! We need some waterproof tape.

I just know that virtually every person in the world is thinking about this kind of thing these days, but I would like to point out, in case I missed it the first time it was said, that "Batman" anagrams to "man bat."

May I also point out that "Batman" anagrams to "bantam"...which, when used as an adjective means: pertly combative.

That is all.


No wonder people were suspicious about Batman and Robin.

So, what's so unusual about that?? I have a gay friend-not that there's anything wrong with that-who had a friend who had a friend, that claimed to know first hand, that Batman always wore a vibrating buttplug and had a winkie so small you could wrap your index finger around it.


that's 'nuff to make a boy wonder.......

I don't see what the big deal is.

Me either, I wonder where I can get one!

What's with the small plunger?

Crooks hatched an ingenious plan,
A 13-yard bridge in a van.
In the town if Mostar,
For one hundred seventy dollar,
7 thieves ended up in the can!

ewwwwwww. not as bad as some toys that were pulled off the shelves this week, which depicted twin towers.. with a plane crashing into it. if it werent for bad taste, some people would have none at all....

I wonder what that would fetch on EBAY.

Hmmm... massage, sex, escorts. Yes, you look reputable enough. You're hired!

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