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August 27, 2004



As this piece of headgear illustrates, European men wear fashions that are... OK, because we do not wish to be judgmental, we will just say that these fashions are different. But not in a bad or amusing way!


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it's nice to see a man secure enougth in his masculinity to wear a hat like that. I do feel sorry for the little old lady he stole it from though ;)

What is the rest of the story here? There a small, white sneakers next to this guy's sandals and no little person in sight.

And since we don't know about the bathroom situation over there, we can only fear the worst.

I just want to know what happened to the little kid that once inhabited those tennis shoes.

Wow...that hat is, like, sooooo tipiyotki. If you know what I mean, wink wink, nudge nudge.

hmmm, some very astute observers on this blog. I actually just thought that the tennis shoes belonged to the lady in the next chair, but I see now that she is already shoed (shod???).


Are you sure you didn't get some family photos mixed up here? You look "more-than-related" in a Deliverance kind of sense.


It's like, uber TIPIYOKTI!

The pull chain was tickling his neck so he took it off

Is that a little white ribbon towards the back of his hat, or am I just seeing things?

Nothing like the hats made in the oldUS of A, huh?

This is your mind on ouzo. Any questions?

That is a traditional tipiyokti knit by his own tipiyokti from the very same tipiyokti his father pulled out of his tipiyokti lo those many years ago, when world tipiyokti was not just something to mock. It symbolizes his transition from tipiyokti to tipoyokti, and shows that his spirit tipiyokti will ever hover in fierce protection of his tipiyokti. To poke fun at such a thing, no matter how funny the fun is in its funniness, is bad tipiyokti.

From the Mary Kate and Ashley collection.

Melody, I thought it looked more like a little white flower than a ribbon, which makes it that much more icky (sorry, couldn't think of a more technical term to describe it).

Hey! He stole that hat from my childhood dress-up days!

You people are so OUT.

Don't you realize that Europeans are much more chic than us frumpy Americans? They're on the cusp of fashion.

Just you wait...next year pretty little pink hats with daisies on them will be the rage among well-dressed men.

Okay, I'm thinking that the shoes belong to a little girl who put her hat on her daddy's head before she went off to play with a bogong moth.

Polly: When I wore a hat like that, I *was* on the cusp of fashion, but it fell over my eyes and I fell off and broke my frumpy.

Is that cap knitted from crapweasel fur?

No - he's at an outdoor market.

"These shoes do not fit, I guess I am not a size 4! But I like the hat. Do you have a matching codpiece?"

"It's in the tipiyokti. I'll be right back!"

By the way, the Frumpy Fashion Cusps

Europeans think they are all that
Any others fashionably fall flat
This confident fellow
Relaxing quite mellow
Looks strange in a woven pink hat

The Greeks are so tipiyokti!
They sport a pink tipiyokti!
When they tipiyokti
It's so tipiyokti!
It leads one to shout 'Tipiyokti!'

Man. Greek poetry is EASY.

Can't you tell that he's a Grecian drug lord? Why children trade their shoes so that they can freebase Tipiyokti. The hat is kind of like a "pimp" hat in the U.S., but at least he has the good sense to pull his pants up to waist level as opposed to the U.S. pimp style of the day.

Homer: Arrrgggh!
Aeschylus: What is it, Homer?
Homer: I need a word that rhymes with 'Tipiyokti'
Aeschylus: Ah. Have you considered 'Tipiyokti'?
Homer: Of course I did! But I must somehow convey the wrath of Achilles, the arrogance of Agamemnon, the puppeteering of the gods, and the tragic demise of Hector and the Fall of Troy.
Aeschylus: I see. Then I would go with 'Tipiyokti'.
Homer: Sweet!

Here's a hat for Dave to wear at the convention in NYC

Federal Duck,

How's that frumpy of yours? I've got some salve...

MKJ, that required a hurl alert.
*wipes spewed spaghetti off keyboard & monitor*

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