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August 25, 2004


(Thanks to Luis Calvo)


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Brought to you by ABC.

It's the real deal, by gum.

Go ahead and try to convince me that Britney Spears' style isn't bubble gum. Or, for that matter, pop.

"So I had this gum, okay, and I'm all, there's like nooo, flavor left, so I go "I'm gonna throw this away ...", and I do, and then this guy, he like picks it up . . ."

I don't know what is more disturbing: The fact that someone is selling BS's used chewing gum or that the bidding is already up to $1900. What's next, a soiled maxi pad?

So, what you're saying here is this: if you're a pathetic loser with no life whatsoever, living in your parents' basement, posters of the Bimbotic Princess covering every square inch of your walls, you can buy this gum and chew it, then claim to have french kissed Britney by proxy... am I correct in this? *LOL*


So you buy this, you inspect it, and !by jove! Britney is missing teeth! What are you gonna do now?

golfwidow da winnah! (ABC indeed . . .)

When you have to register at th herald to read Dave's columns, do this, and soon hopefully, registrations will end.

sign up witha fake email address, REALLY fake, one no one could possibly have. Then check ALL the boxes for special delivery of herald stuff and spam. This causes bounce backs too their server. Not a lot, but enough that it costs them money over time. If lots of people do it, the registration won't be worth the effort. I'm sure they clear them out quickly, so every time, register differently.

site registration is like telemarketers.

'präv-n&n(t)s, 'prä-v&-"nän(t)s
French, from provenir to come forth, originate, from Latin provenire, from pro- forth + venire to come
1 : origin, source
2 : the history of ownership of a valued object or work of art or literature

As in: "The provenance of the gum suggests that it came from the bottom of some crapweasle's shoe."

Why, thankee slowlayne!

eBay - the great price inflator
Makes me shout caveat emptor
If you succumb
To Britney's chewed gum
You'll be a poor masticator

They have [i]got[/i] to be kidding. $1900? For [i]used gum?!?!?!?[/i] Who bids on this stuff? And what do I have that I can sell them.... *checking bottom of sneakers*

Drat. I have got to start previewing to make sure I have the stupid html tags right...

At least the winning bidder can buy with confidence, the seller has zero negative ratings!

In fact, seller has zero ratings at all . . .

The thing that irks me the most about this idiotic sale of ABC gum, is why didn't I think of that first?

Based on the fact that I intend to be famous someday, there's got to be something I can sell on ebay for a ridiculous sum of money. hmmm...I'm thinking either my soul or one of numerous undergarments I have frivolously purchased.

Would anyone like to buy my undergarments? Washed or unwashed, your choice. I have available several bras that are now too big because I lost weight and went from grapefruits to peaches...seven million thongs that are cute but really uncomfortable....and a random corset I wore under a prom dress once. Man oh man did the peaches get a lift that evening.

Guy w/an Idea:
That won't work, and here's why. They'll just get a smarter web programmer who will redo the registration feature. The new registration process will require the user to enter a VALID e-mail address to which a temporary password will be mailed. After clicking the validation link in your e-mail and entering the temp pw, you'll be able to continue and enter your own password, etc., but you'll have to go through those extra steps in order to create the same account you have now.

So you've got a choice: you can slam their servers with fake info (after admitting that you'd do so) and make it that much more difficult in the future, or you can just live with it. It's FREE, for crap's sake!

I'm sellin' my used chewin' gum and one of my feet. Any bidders?

slowlayne you rock. Just in general. Thought you should know.

Now, as far as the gum, how do the pictures support its supposed authenticity? Would pictures of her spitting out the gum be more useful? I don't get it.

Personally I'd much rather bid on Christina's gum.

I haven't found any, though.

Midget: Watch out or some other family member might try and sell them.

and the winner for grossest post is.....


Thanks for keeping the high quality standards of this blog up. ;)

I'm going to audition for American Idol. Now is the chance of a lifetime to buy Christine memorabilia before I become famous. I'll sell you my socks from the 3rd grade complete with the pom poms on the heel for only 10 easy payments of $19.99. And that's not all! For only $20 more you can be the proud owner of the leg cast that I wore in the 7th grade with all of my friends signatures. Please email me for payment information.

Keep mocking people.

But just wait until you see how much I fetch for the turd that failed to fully flush when she was in Vegas.


Christobol - was that from the "Oops, I did it again" tour?

So, now it begins! With Brittney's used gum DNA, and the genetic material I managed to scrape from George Washington's false teeth, I will build the perfect pop icon/founding father creation! MWAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!

Please! This is NOT authentic gum chewed by the mouth of Ms. "Toxic" Spears herself. She has people to do that FOR her. Sheesh

Oops, we did it again!

eBay has pulled this item.


"Invalid Item"

Shucks, I guess I shouldn't have gone to Atlantic City today as I missed Brit's gum (apparently). Or does that mean the item is sick? Never mind.

Ebay's been doing that a lot, they yank the most interesting items faster than a june bug running off a hot griddle.

(wonder how I suddenly channeled Ross Perot for a second?)

When you have to register at th herald to read Dave's columns, do this, and soon hopefully, registrations will end.

sign up witha fake email address, REALLY fake, one no one could possibly have. Then check ALL the boxes for special delivery of herald stuff and spam. This causes bounce backs too their server. Not a lot, but enough that it costs them money over time. If lots of people do it, the registration won't be worth the effort. I'm sure they clear them out quickly, so every time, register differently.

site registration is like telemarketers.

or you could just keep deleting your internet cookies and refreshing the page.

Guy With an Idea: Yeah, what Neptunium said. You're being served up all the benefits of reading the best parts of the MH (Dave's column) without paying a cent for a subscription. News flash: folks who give away content for free get to set the terms. You want registration-free, ad-free content, you have two choices - pay for it, or write it yourself.

In related news, eBay yanked the gum off their listings.

MKJ-they yanked whatever item had to do with family members selling my underwear, too. I sure hope it wasn't MY underwear they yanked. I am missing a favorite bra since my roomate moved out...

Hmmm, only possible reason to buy that gum, would be to clone B.S...but why would you want to?

have h'all checked out disturbing auctions daily? Members of this group find and post things they find, well, disturbing to find on eBay. Often it's just crapeidomonte (bad pottery) but there are lots and lots of junk that's just wrong.... and eBay apparently uses DA to find things that are illegal under their rules - it gets posted on DA and then gets yanked. Lots of fun. Lots of comments. DO NOT READ COMMENTS with a mouth full of fluid, it's hazardous to your keyboard.

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