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August 27, 2004


It is totally beyond the realm of possibility that any actual human being could look like this.


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What the heck did the gaffer tape to his thigh?

This man is a GOD!


Oh, and judi, I bet if he wasn't so gorgeous and successful and talented and wealthy and whatever else you wouldn't like him nearly as much.

Like let's say he was ugly, and poor, and mean to puppies. Would you like him then?

Well what does that say about you?

This man is a GOD!



christobal: that i'm a hughslut?

Nice, very nice. I think I prefer the longer hair on him and I'm not usually a fan of longer haired guys. Fabio, ewwww. Hugh, nice.

I'm comfortable with that, Judi.

You might want to read his bio - esp where he says:
"I guess what I'm really looking for is a stealth bloggerette to use me like a toy and spend my money. But where could I find such a person? Sigh."

Dearest hughslut ... we all have our talents ... you just happened to be blessed with a really GREAT one.

He is very pretty to look at ... but he's too pretty ... I'd be all wondering if he's prettier than I am and what not ... plus you KNOW all the other hugsluts would be all up in his Kool-Aid and you'd have to be all "step off, bitch" ... and that is just way too much work for a girl, ya know what I'm sayin' ...

I prefer the guys that get hot over time the more you get to know them ... that way only those lucky enough to GET to know him get to experience his HOT-ness. Ya know?

oops ... make that a hugslut ... not a hugslut. hugsluts are all lesbians, I think.

Though I'm not adverse to using his pic as my screensaver and then looking at it as I tweak the bean ...

*wink wink*

or shall I write

*tweak tweak*

*at a party*

Hi Punky, I'm Igor. I'm pretty hot when you get to know me.

Hi Igor. Sorry. I'm gay. Now get lost.

OMG ... I spelled it wrong twice. What a dumb ass ... and I haven't even started drinking yet.


Like hamPster.

cbol ... you'd be amazed at what a sense of humor can do for a guy ...

*at a party*

Hi Punky, I'm Igor and [insert really funny, sarcastic, dry, witty comment here]

Oh well, deyamn, I was gonna tell you to walk your butt-ugly ass out the do' ... but you're damn funny, ugly boy! Wanna have sex?

See? Happy Ending.

Exactly like hamPster

Hi Fort! *waves*

If only they had an audio file of him talking. Purty voice. I'm a sucker for an accent.

Punky...I'm with you. A sense of humor is the most attractive thing about a man. (Second only to a Will Smith-sized schlong.)

Wait 'til you hear Will Smith's schlong tell jokes Polly - you ain't gonna be able to control yourself. What a stand-up.

christobol: men always think it's about money. it almost never is.

punky: i KNOW he's prettier than me. that's one good thing about not being particularly physically attractive: you can just relax, knowing he's only there for one reason and he probably won't be back. so take what you can get, while you got the chance.

punky and polly: he's cute AND funny. and he can sing and dance AND juggle. you know what that means.

Du-hyuk!! I am purdy, ain't I?

sighned, Hue

that's one good thing about not being particularly physically attractive

Judi ... If I was next to you right now, I'd smack you upside your pretty little head for making a comment like that about yourself.

Shame on you, girl.

Judi ... or maybe you were calling me "not particularly physically attractive" ... in which case, I'm gonna have to drive down to FLA and smack you upside your pretty little head twice! :)


I simply don't get it.

But, if you say so, well, then, so be it.

I shouldn't even be posting here, this is a ladies' thread.

*walks out*

Judi, what Punky said. You're beautiful to us and you should be beautiful to you too. (Whatever that means)

As mentioned before my friend Maggie was here from San Diego twice in the last two months just to see Hugh. Last time she threw away other tickets to see OZ twice and got his autograph 4 times. She cleverly gave him a book with a drawing of him (done by a friend) so got to talk to him for a while. You two are definitely kindred hughsluts.

Of course, you do know he's married.

Hi, I'm huge. I mean, Hugh. I mean gay.

"tweak the bean"

Hilarious!! I still have a stupid grin on my face. Ya know, some guys think a sense of humor is sexy too.

Excuse while I google "punky brewster"

*google google*


A few years ago some of my buds asked me who my favorite guy actor was... They had no idea who I was talking about. Bet they do now.

I heard that Punky. You leave me and my hampster alone;)

very nice judi... when do we get george clooney? inquiring minds want to know... and ogle... and drool...

I love my husband, but oh, you kid.

Bangi...HA HA HA!!!

Not to worry. I threw my halo to Fluffy. It was turning my head green, anyway. (I bought it at the dollar store.)

Judi, I know it's not about the money.

It's about the stuff you can buy with the money.

Guys that look that good are usually gay. Remember "Rock" Hudson?

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am a representative of Seriously Mediocre Men of America Foundation, and my colleagues and I take offense to this thread and its assumption that just because Mr. Jackson is big and manly and attractive and rich and famous and talented and has a permanent brooding scowl and nice hair and a cool accent and an enourmous and amorous fan base and muscles and a deep voice and a fairly macho-sounding name which includes a vague phallic-size reference and a zero percent bodyfat, (this statement will end shortly)that he is in anyway superior to us. We could use our superior senses of humor to thwart him in any situation except one that involves women or anything of importance.
That will be all. Thank you.

ps. I'm not bitter, I just hate everything.

I love Hugh Jackman.

I found some cool online friends at a Hugh Jackman site. Drop me an email for a link if you are interested. There are no teeny-boppers in the chat at that site.

If "Generic Domain Names for business..." shows up at my doorstep, they'd better run for the hills...

Hugh is a man among men, isn't he? (slips off into dreamlike trance with a silly smile on face)

What? Oh, yes, ______, you ARE better looking than Hugh (must lie since H. Jackman is already married)!

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