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June 30, 2004


What, exactly, are they trying to tell us?


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Did this concert take place 30 years ago?


The Dunkin Donuts Center? Dear God, people, what have they done? This naming rights thing has got to be stopped before "Fenway Park" is "Krispy Kreme Field."

Manilow,Mountain,and Vanilla Fudge?How pathetic is that....

I was a fan of Vanilla Fudge. How pathetic is THAT?

As I recall, Vanilla Fudge was one of the bands that put the lie to the belief that you could be successful as a rock band only knowing 3 chords. I seem to remember they got by OK with just the two...

I tried to find an MP3 of Vanilla Fudge's version of "The Beat Goes On" a while back. It's about a 20 minute song full of cool sound clips.

(how pathetic is that?)

I was a Johnny Winter fan, myself, Mahatma, but I'm puzzled as to why Vanilla Fudge tix are $5 less.

How is "Dunkin' Donuts Center" better or worse than "FleetCenter?' You're right, though -- It's enema mazing thing that this goes on in a polite society.

That got to me too.

"Dunkin' Donut Center"?


Better get ahold of Krispy Kreme managment before they get left behind on the cooling racks!

Do the locals call the "Dunkin' Donuts Center" "The Hole"?

They're just trying to tell us that Lynyrd Skynyrd, ahem, rocks, and Barry Manilow is an elderly cottonhead.

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