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June 25, 2004


Now the heartless bastards are using vending machines.

(Thanks to Gordon)


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I liked it better when they just didn't give you your money back

Happy Friday all!

Oh, and, FIRST!

Oops, make that 2nd.

But the Happy Friday comment stands!

"I've never seen anything like this," he said.

isn't that a self-defeating statement?

Man, now all terrorist need to do is keep up with Dave's blog to find out how to turn innocent vending machines into RAGING WMBs!

"Ross said state Homeland Security officials had to be notified of the incident because of phosphene's possible use as a chemical weapon. "

I guess these folks have waaaaay too much time on their hands, now that the WMD issue has been settled. sounds to me like a bunch of people did get the rest of the day off, tho....

Darn, LTTG with this one too.

Oh well, at least I can say The Exploding Vending Machines wbagnfarb.

WMBs? Weapons of Mass Burritos?

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