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June 29, 2004


We report; you decide.

(Thanks to Isabelle Briand)


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Yes, but you should see the squirrel's dress, though. It came out SO pretty.

Does anyone know how that yellow ribbon song became patriotic? I thought it was about an inmate writing to his girlfriend.

How do we know it wasn't the neighbors stealing the ribbons and putting them on THEIR trees. The video was staged and the squirrel was framed.

8 Months of this?!? I suspect the ribbon manufacturers trained rogue squirrels.

I'm coming home I've done my time
And I have to know what is or isn't mine
If you received my letter
Telling you I'd soon be free
Then you'd know just what to do
If you still want me
If you still want me

Oh tie a yellow ribbon
'Round the old oak tree
It's been three long years
Do you still want me
If I don't see a yellow ribbon
'Round the old oak tree
I'll stay on the bus, forget about us
Put the blame on me
If I don't see a yellow ribbon
'Round the old oak tree

Bus driver please look for me
'Cause I couldn't bare to see what I might see
I'm really still in prison
And my love she holds the key
A simple yellow ribbon's all I need to set me free
I wrote and told her please

Oh tie a yellow ribbon
'Round the old oak tree
It's been three long years
Do you still want me
If I don't see a yellow ribbon
'Round the old oak tree
I'll stay on the bus, forget about us
Put the blame on me
If I don't see a yellow ribbon
'Round the old oak tree

Now the whole damn bus is cheering
And I can't believe I see
A hundred yellow ribbons
'Round the old, the old oak tree

Tie a ribbon 'round the old oak tree
Tie a ribbon 'round the old oak tree
Tie a ribbon 'round the old oak tree
Tie a ribbon 'round the old oak tree

Tie a ribbon 'round the old oak tree
Tie a ribbon 'round the old oak tree
Tie a ribbon 'round the old oak tree
Tie a ribbon 'round the old oak tree

Russell Brown/Irwin Levine
Irwin Levine Music/
Larball Publishing Co. Inc. Plat.

Isn't it about time we withdrew from our occupation of the suburbs & gave the sqirrels control over their nation?

(great, now I've got that furshlugginer song in my head. Well, at least I'm not alone . . . )

There is actually a historic precedent for yellow ribbons signifying remembrance of a loved one off with the miliatry ("She Wore a Yellow Ribbon" 1949, John Wayne, etc. wasn't based on nothing). But how it went from a gal left behind wearing a ribbon with her beau's regimental colors to a convict's moll vandalizing neighborhood trees is anybody's guess, and God knows there's no excuse for that song.

Lairbo - Gratzie, always wondered about that.

"Ribbon-Thieving Squirrels".
1st CD comes to stores Monday.

Wasn't the ribbon first introduced in front yards during the Iranian Hostage situation? Carter/Reagan era?

Time for someone to write a new song though.

Yellow Ribbon Folklore Explained

"Aw, Dad not yellow ribbons again. Why can't we have sunflower seeds like the other squirrels? Perky down the street gets sunflower seeds every day and they never have to eat these stupid ribbons."

"Now Junior eat up. If only you knew what your father had to go through to get these ribbons. You should be a little more supportive."

"Yeah but all the kids laugh at me. Don't you care about my feelings? I HATE YOU!!!" *throws down his ribbon shard and scampers off to his branch in a huff*

"Well that's done it George, Snarly is going to be sulking on his branch all day. You'll be off getting ribbons and I'll be home here listening to him chatter his inane music until I could just go crazy. Something needs to be done."

"I know dear I just don't know what to do. I thought when ribbons started showing up on the other trees that ribbon eating would catch on with everyone. I guess not."

"Mother warned me that I needed to find someone with a bigger territory, but did I listen, Noooo."

(who tied the ribbons with his wife, Alexis.)

how do you tie a ribbon with your wife...I usually use my hands.

Lily, you're so creative! That's hilarious.

Fat Tony: "Tie him up nice and pretty, boys. We don't want the meat to fall off while he's rotisseried."

Squirrel: "I didn't do nuthin'!"


.... so, what do I get? A yellow ribbon?



Where I live, yellow ribbins have also been used to protest road-lane expansion.

Lairbo, thanks, I like yours better.

The only yellow ribbons on the trees in my front yard read: "Police Line - Do Not Cross."

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