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June 28, 2004


Please cease sending the link about the woman who gave birth to a frog. First, the story is obviously not true, and no responsible news organization would repeat it. Second, judi already blogged it.


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My sister gave birth to a lizard. Or it least it so appeared until they cleaned it up a bit.

With my apologies to Bill Cosby, of course.

Cease!  &nbspAnd desist!  &nbspNow!  &nbspRibbit!

(Dave, you said 'First', heh, heh)

Believe it or not I just heard this story this morning on the radio news station this morning. They said a tadpole swam up into her while she was swimming in a dirty pool of water and that the tadpole matured in her and then came out. I don't think this could ever happen, I can't believe the news station aired it.


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