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June 25, 2004


It turns out that there's ANOTHER Algona. This one is located in Washington, and it has a poisoned-cow case.


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I've heard this place is the home of the world's largest individual Frito brand corn chip and has one of the finest swimming pools in the state of Washington.

Skydive Snohomish Well. That pretty well sums up the outdoor sports/entertainment in Algona.

I was going to make a smart comment about how the cow probably ate the other Algona's Giant Cheeto and died from indigestion, but then I read the article. Geesh. The things people do.

"The toxic substance was determined to contain chromium 6.."
Well, at least it wasn't perchlorate.

Well, Bryce, what do you have to say about THAT!?

And poisoning cows? That's just out right MEAN!


oh, and


...hum, got the other one through the Questionable content filter earlier.....

*tries again*



*hum, got through*



Bubbling Black Bovine Blisters - good name for a rock band?

No hazardous chemicals here - these HAZMAT suits are to protect the FBI from the harmful cardboard radiation emit by the boxes and bags.

You know how they have that book of towns in Iowa that includes Algona? What we really need is a book of towns named Algona.

you know i read someplace, who knows where anymore, that there is a Springfield in every state of the union. let's find out. and again, homeland security was called in. what exactly do they do? stand there and say, yep, we got a problem? who poisoned the cows. hmmmm. could be terrorists. or could be a local nutcase.

Another Algona? Can it be? I don't know if I can handle the excitement. Be still my heart!

"Another neighbor, Nick Morigi, said the man had laid sod about three days ago in a yard that had been bare dirt."

I thought at first it was a euphemism like "beating feet" or "making tracks" as in "the guy got on his Harley and beat sod out of here."

Hey, it could have been an old farmer's expression.

"This is so delicate for us," she said.

Yeah, it was an intensity.

Maybe the cow just used a faulty vending machine.

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