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what will they think of next?!?!?
Posted by: lauren | June 28, 2004 at 08:32 AM
"We're actually in the process of putting together an expansion strategy at the moment,"
uh huh, thus the need for the condoms
Posted by: Lisa | June 28, 2004 at 08:34 AM
Rolled up part on top
Posted by: Mahatma Kane Jeeves | June 28, 2004 at 08:37 AM
Was this Custer's last stand?
Posted by: BarryFS | June 28, 2004 at 08:42 AM
"...putting together an expansion strategy at the moment..."
Hope they let the snakes grow large enough.
Posted by: kibby F5 | June 28, 2004 at 08:55 AM
"we're able to attract to support the nationwide roll out of the brand"
Yeah, roll out that brand of condom. Keep rolling now, there ya go...nice snake.
Posted by: waxwing | June 28, 2004 at 09:04 AM
"trouser snakes" WBAGNFARB
No, really, it would.
Posted by: xapi | June 28, 2004 at 09:13 AM
well, why dont they put them in condoms when they are very small, and then the whole thing will expand to fit.........
Posted by: queensbee | June 28, 2004 at 09:19 AM
Lisa and Kibby beat me to my comment... That sentence pretty much says it all.
Posted by: leigh7911 | June 28, 2004 at 09:35 AM
do the snakes have wallets to carry them around in?
come to think of it, where would the snakes carry their wallets?
Posted by: lurker | June 28, 2004 at 09:40 AM
And would they be snakeskin wallets?
Posted by: golfwidow | June 28, 2004 at 10:49 AM
However they get the condoms on the snakes, it's still gotta be easier than how you get moth balls...
Posted by: Lairbo | June 28, 2004 at 11:23 AM
"That think got a Hemi?"
Posted by: SHAQ | June 28, 2004 at 11:43 AM
yeah, i always have trouble with that, too....
Posted by: judi | June 28, 2004 at 01:22 PM
if you want don't want to change your name to 'MOM', you want him to wear a condom. The best phrase to use is 'Let me help you put this on.' A reference to the Washington Monument will do you both well.
Posted by: ibid | June 28, 2004 at 01:47 PM
what will they think of next?!?!?
Well, Steve Irwin, the croc hunter, will take his wife and baby looking for the most dangerous trowser snake in an upcoming (get that?) Animal Planet special, "Trowser snakes of the Outback".
Posted by: Brad | June 28, 2004 at 02:27 PM
First, sex education videos for gorillas, now snake condoms. Let the animal kingdom alone. Sheesh! I'm sure they can figure out how to have sex on their own, and if they can't, they shouldn't exist in the first place. ;-)
BTW, I believe they carry eelskin wallets.
Posted by: Kiki B. | June 28, 2004 at 02:28 PM
...says special marketing techniques are making its "snake" condom popular among a test Indigenous market...
Details, please. I'll begin to believe this story when specific, believable details are released.
Posted by: D'Artagnan | June 28, 2004 at 08:02 PM
I still wonder what a male snake does when he is, uh, excited by a female snake. I'd imagine that moving is quite painful.
Posted by: Bismuth | June 28, 2004 at 11:13 PM
Maybe the snake just rolls it down the whole length of its body? Might be hard to breathe though . . .
Posted by: Mahatma Kane Jeeves | June 29, 2004 at 04:48 AM
And if they wanted to play Star Wars they could use these!
Posted by: Mahatma Kane Jeeves | June 29, 2004 at 04:52 AM traumatic for a gal if she happens to be both a virgin and afraid of snakes! Imagine the years of therapy she'll require....
Posted by: Rohoch | June 29, 2004 at 12:24 PM
What no one has mentioned yet that I can find is, IT WOULD BE A GOOD NAME FOR A ROCK BAND.
Posted by: Brandon Starr | June 30, 2004 at 04:25 PM