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June 30, 2004


Speak for yourself, is this blogger's opinion.

(Thanks to Matthew Lepke)


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Hmm....a town named Manly.

Think the founding fathers had some insecurities?

Manly City Councilman Dave Cook

I admire that guy so much . . .

Manly men doing Manly things in a Manly manner.

That headline (and judi's response to it) made me absolutely crack up for some reason.

Big Earl's Goldmine

Where to start ...

the majority of the people have just taken a wait-and-see attitude

In fact they may have to go and see three or four times.

Key quote: "the majority of the people have just taken a wait-and-see attitude"

I endorse this headline 100%.

I your strip.., er, "entertainer" has a noticable Adam's Apple, it's time for a tactical retreat.

"Big Earl and the Manly Strippers" is absolutely an album I would buy.

We don't want no stinkin' strippers. Just stick with good old drunks, I say!

They don't allow alcohol, but do allow nude dancing? I didn't even know you could have one without the other! I thought it was the only way guys would pay $7 for a beer. What do they charge for carrot juice?

Excuse me, is that a carrot in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?

Ladies! It's not too late for the ladies' choice item at the end of the other thread!

I am Manly City Councilman Dave Cook, and I support
this headline.

Manly, Iowa was actually named by the founding family
(the Girlies) for the usual reasons. And I support that, too!

We need a "juice bar" in my town :)

If the men are mostly Manly while the women mostly moon them, then the Mormons and the Moonies need to maim the main man whose marketing the mammaries! Mostly.

igwanna, you're spending WAY too much time at poetry.com!

Manly is close to the small Iowa town of Fertile which has led to the wedding headline "Manly man marries Fertile woman" They have such a sense of humor in northern Iowa

Manly is close to the small Iowa town of Fertile which has led to the wedding headline "Manly man marries Fertile woman" They have such a sense of humor in northern Iowa

"Big Earl's" is a bad name for a club. It sounds too much like "Big Girls"....

Well, if you didn't like the ladies's choice guys, how about a dinner date with this very cool man? You know he's very cool because he says so himself in no uncertain terms.

Big Earl's Goldmine sounds like wishful thinking to me, and maybe Big Earl shouldn't have said it out loud.

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