Human remains to be re-buried at Wal-Mart.
(Thanks to Mike Zlotnick)
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Human remains to be re-buried at Wal-Mart.
(Thanks to Mike Zlotnick)
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Chew Toys? Aisle 7.
Posted by: mike | March 28, 2004 at 03:00 AM
*loudspeaker page*
"Earl, we have a clean up on Aisle 3. Human Remains. Earl.
Attention WalMart shoppers: We're slashing prices! Snickers are now on clearance. Buy one, get the rest of our stock free. Aisle 7."
Posted by: Punky Brewster | March 28, 2004 at 03:11 AM
And how do we know they arent shopaholics who refused to leave the store? huh?
Posted by: Bangladeshi_gurl | March 28, 2004 at 06:49 AM
Well, for me, there are three questions that this story raises:
1) How were they digging up the ground for this new *WalMart* (not a small excavation job) that they didn't trash the bodies first? With shovels?
2) Which department are they going to bury them in? I'm betting outside garden. :-)
and 3) What in the *hell* was Dave doing awake at 7:50 on a Sunday morning? The Sunday papers are printed Saturday night, Dave, really...
Posted by: Baylink | March 28, 2004 at 07:24 AM
Well, for me, there are three questions that this story raises:
1) How were they digging up the ground for this new *WalMart* (not a small excavation job) that they didn't trash the bodies first? With shovels?
2) Which department are they going to bury them in? I'm betting outside garden. :-)
and 3) What in the *hell* was Dave doing awake at 7:50 on a Sunday morning? The Sunday papers are printed Saturday night, Dave, really...
Posted by: Baylink | March 28, 2004 at 07:29 AM
Well, for me, there are three questions that this story raises:
1) How were they digging up the ground for this new *WalMart* (not a small excavation job) that they didn't trash the bodies first? With shovels?
2) Which department are they going to bury them in? I'm betting outside garden. :-)
and 3) What in the *hell* was Dave doing awake at 7:50 on a Sunday morning? The Sunday papers are printed Saturday night, Dave, really...
Posted by: Baylink | March 28, 2004 at 07:37 AM
Ok, clearly this blog's comment engine interacts poorly with Konqueror the same way that DeanForAmerica's did. Apologies; that second posting was *supposed* to say:
"And I apologize in advance if any of my comments offend anyone. I wouldn't want to offend anybody. Accidentally."
Let's see if the damned computers can avoid conspiring to make me look like a moron this time (cause you *know* it's all the computers' fault. Just ask the ex-husband of RayAdverb's new wife. :-)
Posted by: Baylink | March 28, 2004 at 07:38 AM
Not that I plan to see Dawn of the Undead, but I wouldn't be surprised if this Wal-Mart was in the sequel.
Posted by: eadn | March 28, 2004 at 08:11 AM
wow, talk about your material for a low-budget horror movie. I'll go and start working on the screenplay now. It's an old Indian Burial Ground, I swear!
Posted by: Some girl from Oregon | March 28, 2004 at 03:01 PM
No! No! Some girl from Oregon! Where I live, said Indians will readily claim it, then build yet another casino on it!
Posted by: eadn | March 28, 2004 at 03:38 PM
I don't know if it's the same where you are, but around here the Walmart cashiers move so slowly they're practically candidates for reinterment.
Posted by: OtherDave | March 29, 2004 at 04:50 AM
Alex: "Did you hear the one about the three legged dog that walked into a bar and said, 'I'm lookin' for the guy that shot my paw'?" - Ernest P. Worrell
Posted by: OtherDave | March 29, 2004 at 04:53 AM
2 Walmart employees are taking a break. One old guy says to the other "My arthritis is really bothering me today. I sure am feeling my age." The other old geezer says "Funny you should say that, I feel like a newborn baby. No teeth, no hair, and I think I just peed my pants."
Posted by: Wendy | March 29, 2004 at 08:14 AM