Dave -- I saw the item on the French officials blowing up the puff pastry. Are we sure they thought it was a bomb? Maybe they just don't like foreign pastries. After all, they are French. Tom (but you can call me Tom)
« July 2003 | Main | September 2003 »
Dave -- I saw the item on the French officials blowing up the puff pastry. Are we sure they thought it was a bomb? Maybe they just don't like foreign pastries. After all, they are French. Tom (but you can call me Tom)
The people who did this are all going to hell.
(Thanks again to Theresa Hogue)
Now the bastards are using puff pastry.
(Thanks to Theresa Hogue)
Hi Dave, I just thought I'd point out that the similarities between the Phil the Sore and this are, for lack of a better term, disturbing.... Alan Josephson
Do not read any further. Everybody else should go here and click on the part that says "SEE PICTURES of Healthy Penis and Phil the Sore!"
(Thanks to "Lane Closure")
This must be what they mean by "hard time."
(Thanks to Claire Martin)
...this sounds painful.
(Thanks to Brian O'Shea)
These must have been uncomfortable, being stone and all.
(Thanks to Theresa Hogue)
Here's a time-management application that is extremely popular with cubicle-dwelling office professionals who have their speakers turned up to maximum.
(Thanks to Mac O'Roni)
Experts (not the same as the expert cited below) claim that bagpiping can cause hearing loss and alcoholism.
A bagpipe expert says bagpipes are not hazardous to bagpipers.
(Thanks to Catherine Conner)
This is very, very wrong. Also, hard.
(Thanks to Bob Phillips)
Just had one observation about the Sacfree post ... well, two if you count, "No way I'd ever buy or wear those." The observation is: Guys' underwear with holes in them? What's the big deal about that? Don't most of the underwear a guy owns have holes, indicating he's had them a long time and considers them a loyal, hardwOrking part of his wardrobe, not to be discarded? Is this supposed to be some kind of big innovation? Now, if they marketed them as "pre-holed underwear," and pitched the convenience of not having to wait to wear holes in them, that might be something. -- John "Ol' Chumbucket" Baur (Co-inventor of Talk Like a Pirate Day, coming Sept. 19)Upon close inspection of the “sacfree” site, it has been concluded that a slogan is needed for this particular type of undergarment – perhaps “Unbundle your Grundle?”
-- Laura Murphy
Veronica Vandoloski emails that she has located the lobsters.
Now they want to take away our fundamental constitutional right to own 26 venomous snakes and get repeatedly bitten.
This ought to stop those pesky terrorists.
(Thanks again to Penny McCrea)
Your close relative, the worm.
(Thanks to Penny McCrea)
A man needs freedom.
(Thanks to Mike Zlotnick)
When I was in high school, I had a class where every Friday we'd go and test the purity of a local river.� We spent the vast majority of the time fooling around, of course, and we always caught lots of crayfish that the teacher let us bring back and put in the classroom's aquarium.� We had to catch more and more every week because they kept escaping; every two or three days there would be an intrepid escapee, coated in dust, making its way down the hallway trying to get out.� Since crayfish are much smaller than lobsters and our classroom's tank was about the same depth as the display tanks the lobsters go in supermarkets, I have no doubt that they could have broken out. Alex Hovanes
University slime-swimming.
(Thanks to Doug Boeringer)
I just want to let you know, the page with the lobster magnet has two links, one that links to more funny videos, like bill gates getting pied and a man getting bit in the nuts by a cat, and a link that contains disgusting pornography.� I thought you might want to warn people of this. chris cherryOK, but the last time this blog warned people about this kind of thing, everybody went racing back to look for the pornography.
Always partying.
(Thanks to many people)
Now the bastards are using mystery plants.
(Thanks to Sangeeta)
Be alert for boaters.
(Thanks to Dan Sauberlich)
Brent Tenisil points out that the missing-lobster mystery (below) may have a simple solution.
(Thanks to Anne Woenker)
And nothing says "Joy to the world!" like a Bottom Buddy.
(Thanks to Linda Anderson)
The deepening mystery of the missing theme-park prosthetic leg.
(Thanks to John Tomkinson)
Anna Louise emailed a link to The Word Detective, who states:
To "cock a snook" at someone is a bit more elaborate than simply thumbing one's nose. To "cock a snook" is a classic display of derision, properly performed by spreading the fingers of one hand, touching the tip of your nose with your thumb while sighting your opponent along the tips of your other fingers (what the British sometimes call a "Queen Anne's Fan," but what we more commonly call a "five-finger salute"), and waggling your fingers in the most annoying way possible. As a gesture, it doesn't really mean anything, but it does convey utter contempt rather well. Like all fine insulting gestures, cocking a snook always goes well with a Bronx Cheer, or raspberry, as an accompaniment. Crossing your eyes while doing all this is optional but definitely enhances the overall effect. And remember, kids, practice makes perfect.
If you are looking -- And who is not? -- for a detailed, thoughtful review of the Toilet Duck brand toilet cleaner, then look no further.
(Thanks to Claire Martin)
If this is outlawed, only outlaws will do it.
(Thanks to Judy Rutherford)
This is just sick.
(Thanks to David Page)
Here is a useful application that not only enchances productivity, but also accurately simulates office life.
(Thanks to Mike Zlotnick)
Because they have practical ideas.
(Thanks to Mike Zlotnick)
Or face a buttkicking, Dewey-Decimal style.
(Thanks to Rebecca Coffin)
Now the bastards are using algae.
(Thanks to seven trillion people)
Caroleanno writes to ask:
The link to the East Berlin airport story led me to another story about Lord Archer. It said "Lord Archer spent his first day of freedom cocking a snook" You wouldn't happen to know what that means would you ? I tried looking it up in my son's slang dictionary but I still don't understand.
Benjamin Studtmann writes to say:
is an anagram for
Thank you.
To avoid unfortunate incidents such as this.
(Thanks to Lord G, and Anna Louise, and Theresa Hogue)
We're talking about a seriously odd job.
("Thanks" to Laurie White)
Please do not stomp on the floor.
(Thanks to Benjamin Studtmann)
Now the bastards are using whales.
(Thanks to chhicks)
She is busy.
(Thanks to Ted Habte-Gabr, Field Coordinator for the Dave Barry for President Unstoppable Juggernaut of Doom)
To avoid mishaps such as this.
(Thanks again to Sangeeta)
Heads up, men.
(Thanks to Sangeeta)
The news media are saying that Mars will not kill you. So there's a good chance that it will.
(Thanks to John Dodds)
Here is just the thing.
(Thanks to Claire Martin)
Now the bastards are using radioactive mud dauber wasps.
(Thanks to Mike Zlotnick)
Only one more month until Talk Like a Pirate Day.
"Ooooh, baby I POP whoops... OK, baby I want to POP whoops....
(Thanks to Mike Zlotnick)