We played our final "gig" yesterday at the Los Angeles Times book festival, before a large and festive outdoor crowd that really loved us, or at least did not open fire. We had several Special Guest Artists, including "The Simpsons" creator Matt Groening, who sang part of "Wild Thing" and moved in a semi-rhythmic manner, and Dr. Demento, who performed in "Leader of the Pack" as a motorcycle gang member who, inexplicably, wore tails and a top hat.
Today we return to Reality on a long plane flight, which is a concern because my daughter has somehow acquired an electronic Mr. Potato Head game that NEVER STOPS TALKING.
Posted by: Addicted to 24 | September 25, 2005 at 12:12 PM
Posted by: Addicted to 24 | September 25, 2005 at 12:13 PM
go sox
Posted by: Addicted to 24 | September 25, 2005 at 12:15 PM