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March 26, 2009


...it's time to tackle the real issues.

(Thanks to Allen at Division)


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Congress?? are they serious???? WhatsoEVER could go wrong with that???

"The current system "leaves nearly half of all the teams in college football at a competitive disadvantage when it comes to qualifying for the millions of dollars paid out every year,"

See, it's not really about the football. It's about the money.

I demand they do something about overtime in the NFL first. Priorities people!

Dear Senator,

Could you please launch an investigation into how the hell Wake Forest lost to Cleveland State and messed up my brackets? Thank you for your time.

I think it is about time that this selection process is investigated by governing bodies who has Blogovich appointing a seat and cannot decide if Al Franken is a member or not.

Tar. Feathers. Pitchforks. Congress.

Some Assembly Required.

These people can't even pick their own noses, fercrissakes.

Everyone's for limited government until it involves their football team.
-- Thomas Jefferson

This should pretty much end college football as we know it.

As a guy born in Austin, TX, I can testify as to the necessity of this bill.


"be it hereby enacted:that the number one college football team shall be the one that wins the 257-team eight-round tournament which will begin on the day after the day after thanksgiving. the 'play-in' game will be between the highest ranked team not voted in with the most electoral votes and the West Virginia Mountaineers, to be renamed the Robert C. Byrd West Virginia Mountaineers.

the 256 team field will be composed of teams from division-I, II, and III schools, qualifying companies and federal correctional facilities (seriously, wasn't 'the longest yard' a hoot?)

the winning team will receive 1.2 trillion dollars
the losing team only 500 billion dollars, and so on,
except for the Robert C. Byrd West Virginia Mountaineers , who will all get hydroelectric plants in their back yards."

These reeks of SoCalism.

SNORK @ Meanie.

Do you write for the government insomniac? How about the IRS?

"Everyone from President Barack Obama on down to fans has criticized how college football determines its top team."

On DOWN? So the take home message is that Obama is not only not a fan, but he is at the top of whatever food chain ends with lowly fans on the bottom rung. What are on the rungs in between? I'm voting for pleicostomus, Plaxico Burress and Vietnam.

When are they going to do something about the curling brackets???

Congress has reached it's critical dumbass. Damn, miss Sen. Red.

Perhaps we could let Mr. Phuc handle this problem.

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